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Everything posted by TrueEvergreen

  1. Oh great, it's hell week for the musical i'm in for my school, not looking forward to it
  2. This is already my second aro awareness week (that i know im aro), but sadly i haven't really done anything to celebrate
  3. TrueEvergreen


    Wow it took a while for me to find this thread, but i figured i might as well continue it. Blue 9 1 UNO
  4. Oh wow i almost forgot How could this happen But happy arospec awareness week!!!
  5. Im taking midterms rn and they suck On top of that I was going to exempt one but ended up barely not meeting the threshold, so now I have to go to it
  6. Same for my school, although we had to do virtual because somehow a district in wisconsin only has one allowed snow day per year and we wasted it on a rainy day
  7. I actually have no idea how I managed that 3241
  8. Technically it did snow where I live, but it wasn't bad and happened after school would have ended, so it was kinda dumb
  9. thats what happened at my school but school was still cancelled for some reason... im not complaining
  10. I'm glad that this thread finally has some activity, but its my luck that it was during the time that I was not on the website...
  11. Yeah, most of mine have been pretty nice, but there is one teacher that is really unorganized and just a bad teacher, for example they yelled at us for not completing a homework assignment that they never assigned
  12. Welcome! Honestly this chat has basically been dead for a while... but welcome anyways! Also, that teacher sounds horrible
  13. I use the dark green, as it just looks better in my opinion
  14. I play piano, trumpet in my school's concert band, and I also do choir Does anyone have any really annoying teachers in school?
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