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Everything posted by TrueEvergreen

  1. Honestly though im just glad i was actually here when this thread was active
  2. page 100 that's what happened
  3. Just saying, if anyone doesn't like fennec foxes, they are wrong
  4. @Valerie415 If you just don't post on any of the main topics, then you can be one of the few legendary 0 post active people
  5. Tbf when I remember this website exists I'm pretty active If these posts counted for post counts I would probably be at a couple hundred
  6. That's basically what I did for the past few months, just disappearing NOOOOOO KIRBY
  7. Little do you know...
  8. PAGE 100!!!!! just saying, I was here for both 1000 posts and 100 pages and basically nothing else
  9. yeah it definately is
  10. wait is it actually 25?
  11. wow, right when we are about to reach page 100, my teacher called me up to answer a question doesn't he know that this is much more important :)
  12. 6 more btw This post didn't show up until after I commented so its actually 4 now But thanks!
  13. That is what it seems like isn't it
  14. Just to boost the post count, what is everyone doing rn?
  15. Yes I did in fact 10 left!
  16. sorry, my fault I misunderstood it
  17. You still have to go to class in a different state???
  18. Still don't know how it's winter in the northern midwest and there have been 70 degree (Fahrenheit) days.
  19. Lucky... it has been so unusually warm where I live so there's basically no chance for a snow day Good job! I am so lucky that I don't have to take math this year, I hated taking tests
  20. Every time without fail, whenever I leave this thread becomes more active... not complaining though, this was fun to read through
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