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Everything posted by TheNothingFairy

  1. I think that I might be a little bit cupioromantic 

  2. Heyo this place seems fun
  3. My friends were very accepting and cool about it when I came out to them. My parents not so much. But they are getting better I'll try to keep this short. When I first "told" them (I was outed and then forced to come out), they weren't accepting. Even though they had a lot of time beforehand to research the aro/ace "label", they didn't. So they had no idea what it meant. They had told me that I'm "too young" and "too immature" and I wouldn't know and stuff like that. The worst reaction that I ever got (from my parents, after they forced me to come out) was definitely this: "It makes us sad that you think that you'll never experience love." They are trying to get better but at the same time I don't trust them.
  4. Thank you guys, I didn't use this website as a resource for reasons similar to these, and thank you again. I will be careful, and I hope you all have a great day! Again, thanks you guys so much, I am so grateful for you guys :)
  5. I would just like to thank everyone! I really appreciate the help!! :D (Not that anyone asked but I have sent her the document and I am continuing to update it) :)
  6. Hello! I just wanted to ask if anyone had any links or good websites to check out for information on Aromanticism (and/or) Asexuality! It has come to my attention that my school's counselor didn't even know what either of these terms meant, and she has expressed that she would like to know more. :) I just want to make a list of websites for her! ( I also really want this google doc to be able to be helpful for anyone! Anyone who want's to understand, figure stuff out, and share information!) I can post the link of the google doc if anyone wants to use it, and I hope that you guys can help! Have a great day everyone!
  7. Ayo what's up fellow children teens? :)
  8. Ayo I'm back and doing pretty gooooood

    How are y'all?    

    1. AroAcedragon15


      hi! i'm pretty good.:frog:

    2. Storm_leopardcat


      Fine, Alhumdulilah!

  9. I tried to come out, and "it" was rejected, so yeah! I can relate! I'm not technically "out" but I really don't care anymore. I don't want to have to ide this part of me so I'm not going to. They can b*tch about it all they want but in the end it doesn't affect them
  10. I might leave the site for a little while, I am confused and just need time to process everything,  thank you all for being so kind and accepting. Have a great day y'all

  11. Just a place! Anyone got any good aroace memes? Any good aroace wallpapers? Artwork that looks cool? Post it in here :)
  12. Okay, so their not really aromantic, but more asexual, but I think that it should be fine if I post them here! :) Spencer Reid (from Criminal Minds): Biromantic Asexual Newt Scamander (from Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them): (okay, I originally head cannoned him as aroace, but then he got a LOVE INTEREST IM STILL MAD AT THEM FOR THAT) so now I just head canon him as asexual
  13. I'm planning on coming out to my parents as aroace on Wednesday OOF I DID NOT THINK THIS THROUGH BUT IM GONNA DO IT 

    PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE anyone have ANY advice for coming out as aroace???? 

    1. AroAcedragon15


      I've come out a few times but only to friends so its a bit different than parents.The first time was the hardest because I was so scared but I can promise you it is so worth it.I came out over text the first time and then most of the others just kinda happened unexpectedly.I made sure that I knew what their thoughts were on lgbtq+ things were before I even considered coming out to them though. I would come up with a plan on how you want to do it and then when you are ready try and follow that plan but sometimes the best thing to do is wing it and go with the flow. I wish you the best of luck and remember you're valid no matter what.

    2. TheNothingFairy


      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you!! I honestly feel a lot better after reading this, and thank you!  :D   

  14. Ha! When the doubt starts creeping in...    am I aroace? Is it in my head? Are my parents right? Am I too young and stupid to know? I don't think it's in my head? Is it? Whatever, I'm too tired to dwell on it right now

    Have a great day guys 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Gray Warlock

      The Gray Warlock

      Listen to love songs in the genre of music you like the least. Seriously. All this week I've been hearing country music on the pa at my current job (last day today thank God!) Easily half of it is love songs of some type, and each time it's like "I'm so not into this." Any remaining doubts I may have had about being aro have been put to rest for good.

    3. A User

      A User

      fr tho, hetronormativity + allonormativity is making me believe that if i wait awhile i'll understand wut romance feels like

      but my hormones are working in all other circumstances and yet i still dont get why crushes feel the way they do

  15. Okay, so I am aroace, but I still seem to like fictional characters in some ways. It's like an obsession, and I don't know if that means anything or if it's normal for that to happen. It's like, I don't want to date them, and I feel no sexual or romantic attraction to them, but my fictional "crushes" (I use this word loosely because that's what my parents tell me the obsessions are), or the amount I "love" my fictional "crushes" is literally the most romantic I've ever felt towards anyone. Is that like, normal? Also, is it then a crush? I always get so confused whenever my parents tease me about having a crush on a fictional character, but I really don't think that it's a "real crush". I don't know, I just had to get this off my chest, and please feel free to add or talk/rant about characters that you like. :) Thank you for reading and have a great day everyone!
  16. Hi! I'm new here and figuring stuff out! I am 14 (sorry for sharing that if I'm not supposed to but it's important) I have never had a crush, am NOT interested in dating, and relationships just confuse me. I just don't understand how anyone could feel that way. I know that this is for aromantic people but I also have never felt any sexual feeling towards anyone before. I don't know if I'm just too young, as most people I know tell me that, or if I could be aroace? This is dumb but I felt the need to say it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alaska Native Manitou

      Alaska Native Manitou

      It's okay to be unsure. Take your time figuring things out & don't let others push you into doing something you don't want.

    3. queer_kaleidoscope


      Hey! Welcome to arocalypse :)

    4. The Gray Warlock

      The Gray Warlock

      I didn't have any interest in girlfriends or dating either when I was your age. And that has not changed much over the last 28 years, however much I may have tried to convince myself otherwise. I say if 14 isn't too young to know you're gay, bi or straight, then it isn't too young to know you're aroace.

  17. Hey! Uh, I'm still figuring it out, but I've never had a crush, I have absolutely no interest in dating, and I don't think that I have ever experienced romantic attraction ever. I also get annoyed and irritated for no reason it seems whenever characters find "their true love", it's weird. I just don't understand it.
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