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Everything posted by AroAcedragon15

  1. yes! I have a huge bio test tomorrow about everything from the last 15 weeks.I also have a health test.And just tons of work,Oh and a presentation on friday.
  2. I have a presentation in less than a week its not even assigned yet and I'm fucking terrified.Last week people had presentations and I was scared even before then.I just keep thinking about all the presentations I did last year and how bad it was.I just remember shaking so bad and all that other shit.I really don't want to do it but it's worth like 15% or so of my grade.
  3. that's fair sometimes i forget decent straight ppl exist lol.
  4. my worst which really wasn't that bad partly happened at school and the rest happened in discord dms: In school there was conversation and then somehow I ended up telling him I'm not straight.Then when I got home I messaged him saying i'm aroace and if you don't know what it is google it he replied with something like ok cool which was fine.Then later he said it's kinda weird. i think its just because its not talked about so yeah i guess.Then recently somehow people were talking about like attraction,dating,etc. And he kept saying I was going to be attracted to someone in the future and i was going to do things with them. It was kinda shitty and invalidating but oh well. he's also the only straight person i'm out to so i guess he's trying his best.
  5. My lock screen is the aro flag and my home screen is a planet in the aroace flag colors.I wear bracelets with the colors of the flags and the keychains on my bag match.My computer background is the aroace flag.Other people have noticed but never said anything until I did. otherwise I'm surprised no one has questioned it honestly.
  6. frolic through fields of flowers
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