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Status Updates posted by aro_elise

  1. off topic but after i relapsed with self harm i asked my roommate to take my blades (and the one from the blender, in case).  it was uncomfortable but i'm kind of proud of myself.  you have to make deliberate decisions to heal.

    1. NullVector


      It's good that you have friends like that. I think it's really important to recognise that we can't do everything by ourselves (actually, it may be unhealthy to tell ourselves that we can, particularly when trying to make positive changes in our lives to do with breaking old habits?) and to feel able to ask for support from other people. Even (especially?) when it feels awkward to do it.


      Now I just need to try taking my own advice there more, hah.

    2. aro_elise


      thanks.  i remind myself that if i ever want to start seeing a therapist again, find one.  i do tend to wait until the damage is done rather than take precautions to prevent it in the first place but i'm working on it.  good luck to you too.

    3. NullVector


      I reckon it takes a bit of practice to pick up on things earlier, before they get out of hand. A bit like keeping your balance on a tightrope or slack line (I was trying this the other day, lol). At first you make a few big movements and fall off a lot; but if you can learn to make a lot of smaller, more frequent corrections, you keep your balance better (random analogy, but maybe it helps?)


      I'm doing better recently, actually. Made myself get out of the house more to interact with people. It helps.

  2. oh right, it's pride month.  no parades, but still celebrating ?:aropride:

  3. review of the national ballet of canada's the nutcracker: 5 stars

  4. so i consistently get hangovers now when i have several drinks.  i didn't used to.  and they suck so i'm going to try limiting myself to one drink in an evening (which will also save money).  realistically i'll probably have 2 sometimes but yeah that's my boring update

    1. Nix


      That sucks, being an adult can be fun but stuff like this makes me feel old :(

    2. The Aro Mando Echo

      The Aro Mando Echo

      Man I hope limiting it helps a bit, that sucks 

  5. so i talked about getting over a squish.  well, jokes, i still like him.

  6. so i'm "talking to" this guy (i hate that term but idk what else to say lol) and it came up that i'm aro and he was super cool about it (he's familiar with it) and he seems super cool in general.  so that's nice

    1. HelloThere


      That's surprisingly rare tbh, most aren't educated on that subject at all. XD

    2. aro_elise


      i know!  he's bi, maybe that has something to do with it?  actually relatively recently i had a similarly chill experience, it was a group of people, some guy asked everyone like "how important to you is sex in a relationship?" and of course that didn't make sense to me, i was like "i wouldn't be in a relationship" and this girl asked me "are you ace?" and i replied "aro" and she said "cool" and that was it.  she's also bi.

    3. HelloThere


      Yeah, I guess that’s a common thing. Often whenever someone is lgbtq they tend to know a lot more than others. I mean I’ve told a couple of my friends my concerns. My friend has 2 kids who I’m like 90% sure are both bi. I forgot the rest of the specifics but the other kid in my friend group might be aro himself. :D

  7. so i'm in a facebook group for women in my city to like, make friends/do stuff together, and someone posts that she's "seeking some successful ladies who are in happy, healthy relationships and looking to expand their social circle" and i'm like, ??  why do they have to be in relationships?  like yeah you're free to pick the criteria for your own friendships; i just...don't understand.

    1. Nix


      Hm, weird. Maybe she wants to do couple-related activities, like double-dates or something? I’m just guessing here… You could argue you are in a happy, healthy relationship with yourself though ;)

    2. roboticanary




      Maybe she wants to do couple-related activities, like double-dates or something? 

      wow, you're more positive than me. my thought was 'oh shit, pyramid scheme'. like she was targetting 'successful' women with husband's money to throw at stuff, but with a safe sounding post.

      maybe thats just my cynicism towards local facebook  groups though.

    3. aro_elise


      we all have different theories.  mine is that she considers an amatonormative relationship a prerequisite for "success".  and i don't even think she considered the possibility of being happily without one; i think the alternatives in her mind are unstable or non-committed relationships.  

  8. the mood for tonight: wanting a fwb.  like i want to go on little weekend vacations.

    1. MulticulturalFarmer


      Newbie question: What's the best and safest way to find a FWB? And how long do you wait before deciding to have sex?

    2. Just a Bear

      Just a Bear

      A little weekend vacation sure sounds nice....

    3. aro_elise


      @MulticulturalFarmer just noticed this.  i'm not sure there's a best way, and as for the other question, whatever works for the people involved.  i've only had one fwb, from tinder, classic.  we had sex on the first "date" or whatever you want to call it--we didn't know then whether we'd continue to see each other (and i've had hookups where we didn't) but obviously in this case we did.  when we're comfortable with each other and want it, i figure why wait, but everyone's different.  mutual attraction with an existing friend could also lead to adding a sexual component to the relationship, but i can see where that might be more high-stakes.  i mean, the same ways you meet people to date--pretty much anywhere--just be clear about what you're looking for.

  9. things just ended (mutually) with the guy i'd been sleeping with since October (albeit infrequently) and i have no feelings about it, just moving on.  yup, definitely aro.  also, it made him realize he's no longer interested in casual dating, so yeah, make of that what you will ?

    1. DeltaAro


      nothing to see here, just a garden variety aro :aropride:

  10. thinking about the time someone tried to compliment my appearance by saying "whoever's girlfriend you are is lucky".  wild

  11. today i met up with 4 people from a group for child-free women in my city and i mentioned i'm aro (i wanted to talk about amatonormativity and relationship anarchy at that point in the conversation) and it went well.  one of them had just days ago learned about aromanticism and listened to podcasts because she was curious about it, and she asked me a few things.  so that was nice.

  12. told another coworker i'm aro haha we were talking about relationships and stuff, i said i don't date and there's "not a chance" i'll get married, and she wanted to know why.  she responded positively, noting that i get "the good parts of a relationship" ie sex, lol ok i'll take it

  13. when my friends are talking about dating and i have nothing to say for 20 minutes

    1. AroAcedragon15
    2. aro_elise


      my best friend went on a couple dates with this guy and slept with him and then he said he didn't want to keep seeing her and she was telling me about her feelings about it, saying she can't separate her romantic and sexual attraction.  she knows how puzzling that is to me.

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