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Everything posted by DeltaAro

  1. ♦ Ace of diamonds - demisexuals and demiromantic aseuxals ♣ Ace of clubs - grayasexual and grayromantic asexuals
  2. Too bad that aces have taken all the card suits, they should have left clubs and diamonds for us. The only other well known card suits are probably the Tarot suits (swords, wands, cups, coins) but using those would be weird.
  3. Four space rogues, an android, a billionaire and a nerd girl lose their memories and embark on a galactic quest to answer the question of "nature vs. nurture".
  4. On the other hand, autism is not so subtle anymore, I do notice it. But Asperger's... no, not in online conversations.
  5. I've got 18 points on the AQ test => “Scores in the 0-25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits.”. I'm surprised that it is so low. Anyway, if you allow this remark, I don't notice anything unusual with most of you who have Asperger's. You seem more normal to me than myself....
  6. “The Imitation Game” has some sort of romantic plot in it (yet in a very odd way) and so doesn't qualify. But it was really refreshing to be assured beforehand that between Alan Turing and Joan Clarke definitely no romance would develop, though they even managed to become engaged.
  7. I'd rather buy 100,000 € worth of art by Jeff Koons and “decorate” my home with it than get married.
  8. Yes, of course. But speaking of today, I can't imagine a situation where ed could be useful... Depends on who you would marry. But what you did wrong is that you put something you like before the “rather”. So you have been disqualified.
  9. Currently, I use vim, so that's already spartan but of course totally usable compared to ed. I like the colors of the icon... remembers me of something. I wonder if there is any situation where ed could be handy...? A seriously broken terminal? You're doing it wrong!
  10. I still feel that way because sex, unlike for most adults, is an “extraordinary” event for me. Like with driving, I don't own a car and use car sharing one from time to time and it's still like “Whoo! How exciting!” -– okay that was another weird analogy. Doesn't bother me much, because simple sexual attraction from women to men is regarded as a very rare event anyway. And I don't mind lack of romantic attraction directed at me, obviously. It's more this other hostile meme that you just have to “manage” to lose your virginity as a normal person, that affected me. I also was very much tempted to “procrastinate” the whole issue.
  11. Yes, it makes sense to me ... in this extremely weird logic. But if somebody has, for example, served six years in prison, doesn't this deserve a bit more scrutiny than <my vague, unspecified suspicion that something is seriously off™ to be still a virgin after n years>? I suspect that lack of interest in the romance-sex-department combined with some social inhibition is a pretty common explanation (there is also study that shows that “convinced singles” lost their virginity at a later age, so the aro + “lose virginity late” correlation is not just speculation). But of course often it may just be pure debilitating social anxiety, of course. If I read texts from people complaining about their virginity, I always look closely if lack of intrinsic motivation shines through. The more abstract their complaints are, the less they've made serious attempts, the more well-adjusted they are in other areas, there more I suspect it, like here. I would primarily assume that those people may suck for relationship or sex in the sense of “booooring”, “unfulfilling”, “very frustrating”, “sub par” etc. but not in the sense of “violent”, “dangerous” etc. like somebody who served six years in prison for armed robbery.
  12. I rather switch to ed * as my editor than get married. * compiles and works fine under Windows
  13. I don't have anything in mind. I just observe that others do, but they're scarce with details. Some woman said that a valid excuse to be a virgin after a certain age was serving time in prison. Maybe I find this text again. That there's a thing which serving time in prison can excuse baffles my mind. Usually people go at great length to hide the fact that they spent time in prison.
  14. Yes, it just seems this way. As mentioned in the first post of this thread: raw doesn't mean strong... though they're usually confused with each other. It sounds you're like one of the few people here who don't have any problems to maintain those relationships. I have problems to even begin one. I surely don't want to hit on my friends. Last time I had sex was with a complete stranger and everything went so fast that it felt quite weird to suggest “to meet again”...
  15. Is this skepticism or a request for clarification?
  16. I guess my tolerance for movies which induce second-hand embarrassment just has dropped a lot. I would have liked it so much better if his friends had found out that he is a virgin in a realistic way. “Yeah, they were nice. You know, when you, like, you grab a woman's breast and it's ... And you feel it and ... It feels like a bag of sand when you're touching it.” come on... ;-) The problem is of course that being a virgin at a certain age will rise serious suspicions in your prospective partners. That's not going away, even if you're relaxed about it yourself.
  17. We forgot two very classic sci-fis: Alien (1979) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). Also not yet mentioned: Moon (2009). No romance there. Do sci-fis tend to lack romantic subplots more often? For a 2:40 hour epic movie set around 1900, it's surprising that there is no romantic subplot in There Will Be Blood (2007). The only romance that is shown is the little bit between H. W. and Mary.
  18. In my purely subjective opinion, I think that Ringo Starr looks far better.
  19. Those lyrics. Yeah, the original Divinyls song is better, of course. But not as over-the-top.
  20. Why is it that engagement rings are much more expensive than wedding rings? Shouldn't it be the other way round? Logic??? Error 417: Expectation Failed
  21. error 404 just means “could not find what was requested”. I think that's too tame. It's more like: If you would jump into a friendship like people often jump into romantic relationships, one would wonder if there's something wrong with your frontal lobes.
  22. That's not really surprising. To the contrary, I find it surprising that an ONS can even make you feel some sort of human connection, because it doesn't get any more shallow than that. Nothing is wrong with it, of course. The problem is of course finding aros which have the sexual orientation you like and the gender you're attracted to. Also, sex is more the icing on the cake for me. The idea of ending up lonely with no people who are really close to me, on the other hand, is a real fear.
  23. At least that is guaranteed. Similar as Jean-Paul Sartre said: “If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.” It's not only that it's not enough for them, it's also that many people seem incapable of this today. Since @NullVector mentioned “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” I watched it now in the mean time, pretty cringe-worthy, but what I most disliked about it is how much his virgin status is connected to his loneliness. Take home message from this movie: Don't expect to be normal and not lonely without romance. As if only losing your virginity would magically solve this problem... I've learned now, that in a strange way, yes, emotionless sex with a stranger will make me feel less lonely – but for how long? Maybe for 24 hours afterwards. That's why I would like to meet other aros IRL (whatever their gender or sexual orientation might be), not for some debauched aro sex orgy, but they would probably take friendship much more seriously (and we would have already something important in common).
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