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Untamed Heart

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About Untamed Heart

  • Birthday 04/05/1983

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  • Name
  • Orientation
    Hetero, grey, lithro? Aroflux?
  • Gender
  • Pronouns
    She, her
  • Occupation
    Dirt removal person

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  1. Sometimes I feel like I'm some kind of feral human being, self isolating so much it's getting harder to be around most other people that long without getting restless, tired, agitated or bored and wanting to crawl back under my rock to recharge. And when anyone suggests the possibility of just not having met the right person, it feels like they're trying to lure me into some kind of trap, even though it's usually well meaning.

    On the one hand, I can't deny it's possible, but on the other, I feel I may be too apathetic about socialising/the prospect of a potential (but unlikely) 'bolt from the blue' type romo to bother changing. It's not even a wholly realistic scenario either, as it is based on idealising another person, putting them on a pedestal until the hormonal fog wears off, but I'm not going to go out looking specifically and I'd be happier not to meet anyone who struck me that way. If real life were more like Disney, it might be different though.

    I was fairly happy at first in my last relationship (once the initial depression lifted), but not exponentially happier than I was as a long term singleton.

    Also I'm still weirdly nostalgic about being with him, though even after 3 months it felt horrible and almost as meaningless as previous relationships. I feel like I've been following him walking away from a distance, picking up the pieces of his broken heart and putting them in a box for preservation.  


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Untamed Heart

      Untamed Heart

      I'm good, thanks :) and yeah, I am a real introvert lone wolf type - some people say it's common in autistic people as well anyway, which I was diagnosed with when I was 17. It's just that I'm still wondering what might happen if I start liking someone again, since I found out I'm likely aro spec. Just wondering if what I've learned will be enough to guide me, if that makes sense? It kinda scares me haha xD I have had crushes before where I could just enjoy the ride and not act on it, and they were the best. It feels almost like having a superpower! 

      I've been keeping diaries on and off since I was about 12 and it does help me, sometimes I just need other people's input, so thank you very much for replying to this. It means a lot to me :) 

      I'm really happy I found this place, everyone seems really awesome and I've finally found people I can relate to.

    3. NullVector


      Good, glad you're good :) 

      Yeah, people liking you is scary xD

      Best just to take it slow next time and don't do anything you don't wanna do, I guess? I hear that communicating is important as well (but also super hard :D

      I'm not exactly drawing on a wealth of experience here, haha.

    4. Untamed Heart

      Untamed Heart

      That's OK :) I feel different about things since I joined, at least. I never realised I wasn't the only one who felt the way I do! And I feel like I understand a lot more now.

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