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Status Updates posted by paporomantic

  1. Today is a perfect day to buy ice cream here. The weather is cool so the IC won't melt while I'm carrying it, but heat is coming tomorrow so the IC will be handy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. owl


      What happened? :( 

    3. paporomantic


      Nothing too serious, just I realized that I don't read long Arocalypse posts attentively enough. My mind wanders too much. I'm totally lacking focus to do anything lucrative right now.

    4. paporomantic
  2. If I eat fried potatoes too often, I'll die young of an ulcer. If I eat boiled ones too often, I'll die of boredom. If I mix the cooking methods, I'll have a long boring life ended by an ulcer. Is there an escape?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. paporomantic


      I hate peeling them, though. Thank goodness, I'm not in the military, where it's a common penalty (and has to be done fast).

    3. Dodecahedron314


      Baked potatoes! Specifically twice-baked. Good stuff. You don't even have to peel them.

    4. Dodgypotato


      raw popapoes?

  3. I wonder if I should contact local romo aces. :maybepapo: I'm afraid of my romantic unavailability upsetting them. And I wouldn't like to be evaluated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. omitef


      I used to have this fear a lot when I first realised I was lithro, but the more time I spend out, the more I'm developing a mentality of "I don't owe you anything" and "you're the one who misinterpreted my actions as romantic." It's a bit like the myth of the friendzone in regards to men getting rejected by women. There's no romozone for alloromantics getting rejected by aros. Aros don't owe romantic people anything, and if romantic people get offended because we don't want to be with them--that's their problem. We're not responsible for their feelings.

    3. Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion


      I cannot speak from experience, I have only met one other ace in my life, and while she is romo, it wasn;t something that came up, as she is my mother.
      I guess I kind of think of us aro aces as like the ultimate 'gay best friend'. Since I started being openly out friends treat me differently in a good way, regardless of their gender and attractions, they treat me as off limits, and not jealous or uncomfortable, so they can feel free to talk about partners and attractions with me, and confide in me. I don't think romo aces, if they are nice people, would be any different. 
      The other thing I wanna say is I have some experience in being desperate for relationships, in my case friendship. Partly due to simple geography and circumstance my options were limited, My options were even more limited by the fact I am autistic, and I had serious and visible mental health issues, (although I didn;t know it) I was nonbinary, and experiencing a different puberty from allos. Children were not exactly lining up to be my friends. To say I was desperate is an understatement. 

      However, because I had been hurt for being different, I had standards designed to protect me and keep me happy. Firstly, I had to actually like them, secondly and more important, they had to WANT to be my friend. Trying to be friends with someone who doesn;t want you is agony. 
      I don't see why the same rules wouldn;t apply romantically, they should have learned, maybe better than most, that persuing a romantic relationship from someone that doesn;t want one would hurt them too much. 
      I dunno, that's my theory anyway

    4. aussiekirkland


      I've met a couple of romantic aces from tumblr but we haven't gotten close enough for it to be a problem. Though after talking to them a bit it seems that pursuing romantic relationships isn't usually on their radar because navigating the sexual element is too much effort.


      I also agree with @Ace-TheTimelordsCompanion that since coming out to my friends, they confide in me about crushes (especially my bi friend) and it's all very detached and easy :)

  4. I find it so hard to process large amounts of info from humanitarian resources like this site because it's verbal. I wish arguments about orientations and identities could be expressed by neat formulas. Sigh.

    1. Zema


      While this is true, don't forget that for areas where concepts can be represented as formulae, conceptual understanding is just as important as a mathematical understanding.

    2. paporomantic


      I know, but my problem is that I seem to get too tired by parsing a long text into concepts in my head.

    3. Zema


      I know the feeling. I recently had an assignment which required me to dissect peer-reviewed scientific journals and it was really tough.

  5. ICYMI: AVEN is finally migrating its servers to IP Board 4 on Nov 18-20 http://www.asexuality.org/en/topic/147793-server-transfer-nov-18-20-2016/

    1. paporomantic


      I.e. to the same forum software that Arocalypse has been using since its inception :aropridepapo:

    2. aihpen


      Oh thanks, I didn't know that. I haven't been on AVEN in quite a while. But this sounds great ^_^

    3. aussiekirkland


      Arocalypse uses such a better server I might actually be able to give AVEN a chance now :)

  6. Having both Arocalypse and AVEN tabs open and getting notifications from both so that I don't miss any action at either #feelsgoodman

    1. Spud


      #relatable :P

  7. That awkward moment when someone commemorates your member title as their display name :$ #spudpocalypse #spudforprez

    1. Dodgypotato


      Woohoo, +1 to team potato!

  8. I have a hunch that, if I'm not careful, I might start squishing or crushing unrequitedly on someone unknown whom I'll meet soon :ph34r:

  9. Today is Marilyn Monroe's 90th anniversary, which I forgot about... It's been hard to explain to fellow guys why I'm totally indifferent to her. This was one of my early signs of aroaceness :D

  10. What horror stories can happen when people choose to follow stupid romantic rituals: [trigger warning!] http://i.imgur.com/ROg4Zu7.jpg

  11. If I learn to make snapshots of people from enough angles (front and rear - for 3D modeling and printing) without them noticing the process, I won't need to get into a physical :euphemism: friendship ever :P

  12. Oops, I'm more panesthetic than I thought. Because of internalized homophobia, I didn't pay much attention to me liking guys.

  13. I've just poured Coke on roasted potatoes and onions to cool them down... the soup tasted surprisingly decently, with only slight sweetness.

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