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Status Updates posted by Spud

  1. My friend is going to a different high school than me and I feel like I'll never be in touch with her. I am bad at out-of-school friendships. Now I'm sad :( 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Starry Sky

      Starry Sky

      Aww is that why you're sad, Spud? *hugs* Yeah, friendships are tough to keep when you don't see each other all the time. I hope things work out and you stay in touch!! *more hugs*

    3. owl


      Sorry to hear that Spud :( I hope you can still stay friends! Plus you'll make loads of new friends!

    4. Spud


      Thank you guys for the support :) I'm feeling better now.

  2. Hey everyone I'm back from vacation :3


    How are you guys doing?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. owl



      How are you? 

    3. RedNeko


      SPUD! :D:arolovepapo:Good to see you again

    4. aihpen


      WELCOME BACK, SPUD! ^_^:icecream:

  3. I'm trying to decide whether I should join marching band. Super conflicted O_O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starry Sky

      Starry Sky

      What better way to get more experience than through marching band? This is a really great opportunity and I encourage you not to pass it up, Spud! You can always quit if you change your mind, right?

    3. Spud


      Well I could technically quit, but it's a commitment of $235 for uniforms and everything and I'm pretty sure my parents would be unhappy about that O_O

    4. Starry Sky

      Starry Sky

      Oof! That's expensive O.o Sadly, it's... *looks at calander* my gosh, it's Wednesday! So I'm late. Everyone's words aside, diid you want to join?

  4. Hey everyone I just wanted to let you guys know I might be around chat and the forums a little less often because I have joined a time consuming club and I'm in Indoor Marching Band and Orchestra so my schedule is pretty busy. But I'll try to come on when I don't have practice or on Sundays when I'm bored. If you're reading this, have a nice day :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeMorgan


      There's a discord server?!

    3. Zema
    4. DeMorgan


      That's good to know; I'll have to check it out at some point.

  5. Dyed the ends of my hair purple. Best decision ever xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dodgypotato


      That's so cool! I'm going to be dying my hair blue tomorrow. First dye job ever. You should show us pics. : P

    3. Spud


      I would, but I must maintain my secret identity (at least until I hit 1000 posts). :P

    4. Dodgypotato


      Fair enough! ;D What about just a close up on the hair so we can see the colour (and nothing else)?

  6. I might not be on here for a while... I'm really busy with ending my schoolyear and stuff.


    And if I'm not on for a week, I'm not coming back on for at least another month because I'm going on a huge vacation. So uh... I guess I'm taking a break for quite a while :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedNeko


      See you soon

    3. aihpen


      See you soon, Spud, and good luck with getting through the schoolyear alive :P

    4. deltaX


      Good luck with school!  The end of the year is always stressful, but I know you can do it!!! :)

  7. I love the way my profile picture cuts perfectly into a round potato when it's turned into a circle xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. owl


      it's a very cute potato :D

    3. Spud
    4. DeMorgan


      You should upload it again and choose a smaller portion so that there's no whitespace on the edges at all. 

  8. Congratulations to all the new moderators. Ice cream for you guys: :icecream:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. owl


      Thank you! Have some :softserve: , Prime Minister!

    3. DeMorgan


      WHAT? I didn't know that emoji existed... :o

    4. DannyFenton123
  9. I just found where all of you guys are getting those Powerpuff character profile pictures... I made one hahahahaha. (It actually kind of looks like me, too, which is sort of eerie.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spud


      xD Mine has more fashion sense than I do, so I guess there's that...

    3. ChillaKilla


      I was gonna, but I refused once I learned that the reboot has had 2 transphobic episodes so far :P

      *didn't mean that as a happy : P face, more like a disgusted one

    4. DeMorgan


      Post it to imgur or something and post it here!

  10. Currently up when I should be sleeping. Nothing new there.

    1. Zema



    2. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      I agree with @Zemaddog. Sleep is good. 

    3. Untamed Heart

      Untamed Heart

      *flaps a teatowel at Spud* to bed with you!

      (Also I read the other day, even if you can't sleep, laying down and relaxing with your eyes closed still helps)

  11. I'm wondering if I should post my voice for the 500 post count or 1000. 1000 might take a while, but I can't decide. Hm...

    1. DeMorgan


      Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams!

    2. Spud


      *Don't let your memes be dreams

    3. omitef


      Your voice is a meme?

  12. I accidentally woke up a few hours too early cause I went to bed early. Mostly because I got no sleep the previous night. And then I couldn't go back to bed because I was worried about heart palpitations that are most likely harmless. A+

    1. Untamed Heart

      Untamed Heart

      I went to bed late and couldn't sleep cos of stupid thoughts (thanks brain!) so you're not really alone xD 

    2. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      The only time I can get good sleep is Sunday night because I know that Monday morning is the earliest I get up in the week. Otherwise my body won't do it because it doesn't have enough motivation.


  14. I literally just made a status update a few minutes ago, but if I don't post this now I'm going to forget-- am I the only one who finds it kind of funny that they are called "single status updates" on an aromantic site xD

    1. omitef


      I didn't, but now you pointed it out, I'm laughing

    2. breaddd


      single status

      I'm internally screaming xD 

  15. That awkward moment when you realize you've been confused about the same thing for 3 months...

    1. omitef


      What have you been confused about?

  16. Oh jeez I got 500 posts. I should really do that voice post, huh.

  17. Getting close to that milestone of 500 posts... ;)

  18. I was bored... so I downloaded pictures of potatoes and photoshopped the faces onto pictures of me and my brother from when I was 5... yep.

    1. Dodgypotato


      A very noble task. I applaud you.

  19. Okay, I'm not coming back for a while, even though my school just ended today. I have a very long vacation, but I will have some free time in August I believe.


    So this status update may be slightly venty so if you don't care to read it, don't bother. I just kind of want to write this down. O_O And it doesn't really have anything to do with being aro either...


    Well, this was the last day of middle school for me, and the last day I'm ever going to have class with one of my best friends. I was hoping I'd be able to see her over the summer, but I have a giant vacation and she's preparing for tennis and stuff, along with random vacations and other things that prevent me from hanging out with her. And when we finally go back to school, I have a feeling she's going to make new friends and forget about me, which I really don't want to happen. Especially since I don't really have many close friends. She is also probably going to be really busy in high school, since she got into a fancy schmancy special one and is going to be working on art and stuff (she's an amazing artist). I just kind of feel like today was the last time I'm going to see her in a long time and maybe ever if she forgets I exist. And it just makes me really depressed IDK.


    Anyway, sorry for the awkward venting. I'll be back in August. See you guys then.

    1. paporomantic


      Ouch, that's exactly how I lost the best friendship of my childhood, when I was a bit younger than 14 too. Not only did we move to different special high schools, but also she became interested sexually in hotter guys. Plus, my libido first woke up at the same time and I found her aesthetically unattractive :euphemism: too.


      Try asking her to find time for you in her busy schedule. If she doesn't want to... well, you're young and can make a lot of new friends in the years to come! 

      I've told the story so that you don't forget that you might be just a late bloomer... it's quite common to feel no sexual attraction until the age of 15-17, but it's great that you've learned the terminology and will be able to detect aces/aros IRL and help them come out! :icecream::cake:


      Have a nice holiday!

  20. That awkward moment when almost all of the topics on the front page say "By Spud" underneath them O.o

  21. Welp, I just got my schedule for school, and I share 0 classes with one of my best friends.


    *insert deep sigh here*


    At least I share 3 classes with someone who's kind of in between my close friend and acquaintance and 1 class with each of my two other friends.


    I'm just worried about making new ones because I'm an awkward potato.

    1. owl


      You'll make new friends 'cause you're awesome :D

  22. I'm so freaking awkward right now oml...

  23. That awful moment when you realize you're out of ice cream D:

  24. I'm approaching 500!

    *furiously posts as much as possible*

  25. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

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