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Is season 4 Sherlock any good?


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I haven't watched season 4 of Sherlock because I did not care for season 3 at all. I thought it was quiet bad mostly and I did not like the direction it took the characters. It seemed like they were out of ideas for them. Now I saw some complaining in another thread about too much romance in the latest season. I don't really mind romance if it's done well but it's annoying if it just feels inserted, or if there's too much of it. 

So anyway those of you who watch the show? What did you think about season 4 in general? Don't get to specific because I haven't decided if I should give it a chance yet :D

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My feelings on certain aspects of season 4 are quite explicitly known because I've been in a quite ranty place for the past few days. 


But season 4 in general? I don't know, define "good"? If the reason you didn't like season 3 was because it strayed too far away from the formula of season 1 and 2 and focused too much on things that aren't Sherlock solving crimes and doing the cool thinking montage thing, you're not going to be thrilled with season 4. This also applies if you're tired of media being fairly uniformly grimdark nowadays. You could probably tell that from the trailer, though, if you've watched the trailer. 


That being said, everything that happens in season 4 is very plot-important, so if you can't handle loose ends, you're going to want to watch it anyway. Also, to be perfectly honest, if you're getting your idea of how much romance is involved from my rantings both here and on AVEN, it's probably being overblown a bit, because again, I personally have been in a really ranty mood lately and am generally the kind of person who complains about things a bit more intensely than they should, so it's probably not quite as bad as you think in that respect. Additionally, there are a lot of aspects that you're going to either love or hate, and I can't tell you which is which because I don't know you. I leave this up to your judgement.


ETA: a decent barometer for your views on this season might be your feelings on the Christmas special. If you thought it was too convoluted and meta (leaving aside the many problems with the plot itself), this might not be your kind of thing. If you enjoyed the challenge of figuring out what on earth was going on, this could be right up your proverbial alley.

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I didn't see any romance in any of the seasons. I don't understand the complaints about that. What romance? Is everyone talking about Watson getting married?  I did have mixed feelings about the final season though in that I felt a lot of things in the plot were forced in order to wrap things up neatly and leave it open at the same time. 

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5 hours ago, Just like Jughead said:


I didn't see any romance in any of the seasons. I don't understand the complaints about that. What romance? Is everyone talking about Watson getting married?


Not outright romance so much as a few instances of rather blatant amatonormativity in season 4, the ones being discussed in the aro confessions thread and a thread on AVEN. 

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