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New rule in anonymous q&a


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There has been a rule change to how anonymous q&a works. 



You may wish to ask questions anonymously that you would be too embarrassed about asking openly. In this forum, you may post anonymously. Be forewarned that the rules of the ToS still apply.

Questions asked in the anonymous q&a section must be relevant to aromanticism or the aromantic community.


Basically as people will likely have noticed quite a few odd questions turn up on anonymous q&a about issues which really are not good to be answered on an aromantic forum.

So we are going to try out a change of rules, we are requiring posts to be in some way relevant to aromanticism. I think the odd questions were most likely not from members, but I think you should be made aware of this change.

If there are any posts put up after this post which you think do not obey this, you can always message one of the mods or myself and we can take a look.

I would also like feedback. I personally think this is a useful change but if you have arguments against the rule, or arguments that the wording of the rule should change in some way, please reply here. I am totally OK with changing the rule on response to feedback.

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1 minute ago, Nix said:

the last couple of questions were really strange and out of place

yeah, every so often we get some strange stuff.

honestly, while it is very rare there are even stranger ones which don't make it onto the forum because of being utterly insane and sexually/medically explicit. This stuff is the tame part of strange

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1 hour ago, roboticanary said:

honestly, while it is very rare there are even stranger ones which don't make it onto the forum because of being utterly insane and sexually/medically explicit. This stuff is the tame part of strange

Scary to think that all this wildly off-topic stuff already went through moderation. I just wonder why? I mean, it's not old-fashioned spam bots. How do people even find this rather peculiar site? Why don't they just post on Reddit, Jesus!

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On 8/11/2022 at 8:08 PM, A User said:

not some random anon q&a section

On the positive side, I now noticed that arocalypse.com has a rather good Google ranking score. If you search for "anonymous q&a", arocalypse.com is sixth result.

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3 hours ago, DeltaV said:

On the positive side, I now noticed that arocalypse.com has a rather good Google ranking score. If you search for "anonymous q&a", arocalypse.com is sixth result.

thats possibly influenced by your search history sadly. i did an incog search and couldnt find us anywhere.

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12 hours ago, roboticanary said:

thats possibly influenced by your search history sadly. i did an incog search and couldnt find us anywhere.

I did it in incognito mode (getting the cookie consent popup from Google) and searched for "anonymous q&a" (quoted).

The rank is also dependent on country. Try google.com/ncr: arocalypse.com is on the second page.

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