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Romance to gain sympathy. Just needed to vent


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OK, warning, this is going to involve politics, specifically the storming of the US Capitol. But I need a rant.

So our friendly shaman ends up in court and pleads guilty. So now his lawyer has to fight in the hope that at the end of it the courts give him a lenient sentance (I don't hold this against him, its his job and I understand society is better when bad people are able to be defended in court)

The way this fight goes, the defense lawyer basically tells a load of sob stories to push the poor sod making the decision towards leniency, focusing on how their client is actually really nice and good and just got caught up in the chaos or whatever. There is probably a fancy legal term for this.

(OK, editing my rant now I'm less mad, this was too harsh. There are genuinely good reasons to push for lenient sentances and lawyers like this try to curb the demand for revenge and get some justice that actually makes things better)

Chansley's lawyer gets asked about how this man got into this whole mess and we get this



fuck this, fuck this in every possible way. 

If first love is not unlike the thought process that this guy has that started his journey to storm the capitol then first love should lose its moral high ground. 

I wish romance wasn't so often seen as an innate moral good, which it is here, the comparison to romance is supposed to incite my sympathy.

Apparently he believes the way to appeal to the court (and the journalists in attendance) is to appeal to a feeling of youthful romance and that just pisses me off. Its probably the most high profile reminder i have seen that that appeal to romance is useful and I can't express that.

This is supposed to be something that everyone both understands and is sympathetic to, you wouldn't get mad at someone for feeling fondness towards their first love.

Thankfully he does also at least point to mental health and abusive family as less stupid reasons to be sympathetic I guess, but I still feel that I am in some way broken because the idea of a first romance doesn't make me feel any understanding to this guy.

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Moral of the story : the USA need aromantic judges.

More seriously, I'm with you here. Romance is too often paint as this pure thing that justifies every actions (usually by opposition to sex... you do something for romantic love you are cute, you do something for sex you are an idiot; talk about double standards here). Our society really need to understand romantic feelings are not some angelic thing.


2 hours ago, roboticanary said:

I still feel that I am in some way broken because the idea of a first romance doesn't make me feel any understanding to this guy.

Oh no, please don't feel that way. If society think this is an acceptable excuse, then society is broken, not you.

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I'm sure a lot of traitors in the past had romantic-like feelings towards the insurrections they joined. Hell just look at any extremist on the internet nowadays who can't shut up about their ideology.

Still doesn't change that you tried to directly undermine democracy and the importance of peaceful transfer of power.

On the emphasis on an empathetic argument for him, I do have sympathy in my heart, I'm not a total monster, but I think it's important to recognize that there's lines that you can bring your pain to. This...is pretty far past it, I'd say.

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On 9/4/2021 at 3:59 PM, nonmerci said:

Oh no, please don't feel that way. If society think this is an acceptable excuse, then society is broken, not you.

Thank you

honestly I am a bit happier now as it doesn't seem the appeal was as effective as I first feared. Still annoying but I'm feeling better about it

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