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It’s nice to meet you, whoever may read this. My name is Andie. I just found out I was aromantic after a downward slide in my relationship with my now ex girlfriend. It suddenly all made sense when I found the label and she respects me and understands! 

I am really looking for more friends like me and maybe a QPR! I feel kinda alone in my orientation since nobody near me is aromantic. My Instagram is @amazingly.andie and I’d be happy if I could meet some people on here! 

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day or night. :)

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Hi Andie! I'm glad you've found the aromantic community and that your ex is understanding!

I understand feeling alone in your orientation. It can definitely feel isolating, especially when you're first figuring it out. I hope meeting other aros on this forum helps you to feel less alone.

Welcome here!

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36 minutes ago, Intergalactic Indigo said:

Hi Andie! I'm glad you've found the aromantic community and that your ex is understanding!

I understand feeling alone in your orientation. It can definitely feel isolating, especially when you're first figuring it out. I hope meeting other aros on this forum helps you to feel less alone.

Welcome here!

Thank you so much for your warm welcome!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Andie and welcome.

My Instagram is @frenchygreenie_aroace if you want.

I know how it is to not having aro around you it is the same for me and for a lot of us.

have a nice day


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