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Hey there!

I really don't know what to say here besides this: 
I am just so glad to not be the only one in this world

Because, seriously, with everything, I'm kind of feeling like society is trying to drown me in the romance-is-the-only-true-goal-for-happiness brainwash. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

It is exhausting, really. 
And trying to look for cannon aro/ace characters??? Even more exhaustive!

So, here I am!
Trying to breathe in a place where people won't keep insisting that I can't really be happy if I am not in a romantic relationship.
And oh! 
MAYbe find some Brazilians here?

That would be all for this post.
Hope you have a lovely day (or night too)!

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Hello and welcome here! 

I really resonated with what you said about drowning and trying to breath in a romance-obsessed society. The idea that romance is the only way to be happy really is a brainwash that we have to constantly be unlearning.

10 hours ago, Sissi said:

MAYbe find some Brazilians here?

I'm a Brazilian citizen! I haven't lived there since I was a baby though, but I'm hoping to visit the place I was born someday. So... not really what you're looking for, but it's cool to find a bit of a connection.

10 hours ago, Sissi said:

Hope you have a lovely day (or night too)!

It's almost 4 AM where I am, so thanks for recognizing those of us with weird sleep schedules :)


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Bem vindo! I certainly recognize those feelings. I'm glad you've found this space, though- it helps to be amongst people who are like you :aropride: 

I'm also a Brazilian citizen who hasn't lived in Brazil since a child haha. But I do know there are Brazilians here on the forum! Also, have you checked out aroaceiros? 

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Two brazilian citizens who do not live here. 
That's something I never thought I would come across, but then again, the world out there is a mystery. 

3 hours ago, Intergalactic Indigo said:

it's cool to find a bit of a connection

Agreed! Because like, at that point last night I was thinking that Brazilian Aces and Aros were one of the rarest human beings out there. But I am really glad that's not the case!


3 hours ago, Intergalactic Indigo said:

thanks for recognizing those of us with weird sleep schedules

And you're welcome! Thank you, amazing human being with a really cool profile name, for replying to my post.


2 hours ago, Erederyn said:

have you checked out aroaceiros

No! I hadn't! THANK YOU, wonderful person that goes by the beautiful name of Erederyn. 
Thanks for indicating them. 

(Feeling like I have never said this many thank yous in one text before)

Have a great day! (Or night too!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello and Welcome!!

I know how you feel I was so happy to find this forum and know that I am not the only one.

I am pretty tired to with this you can't be happy without a relationship and having a relationship is the only goal of our life!!! Some people has made my life a nightmare with that.

I hope that you will like being a member of this forum.

Have a nice day!

Take care


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