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I've finally found a place where I belong

Arom GUy

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I did post a topic in another forum which guided me to here and how grateful I am to said person. 

Context so ive been dating over the past 16 years some long relationships some short and every relationship I get into I end up wanting to run for the hills or feel trapped and don't feel myself.  I have always put it down to it being the wrong person and when I meet the right one I wont feel like this.  I've done romantic things for people while in those relationships but not because I have the feelings to match the action but because I thought they would like it.  I've always felt more comfortable with FOB arrangement forgive the crude term.  

Fast forward to this week I see a friend of myn post on social media about aromantic awareness week.  I think ooo whats that (she always posts interesting topics) and I google it and start reading. First article read and I'm like ok this is sounding very familiar to me.  I message her and go how did you know and she explains to me that it not experiencing any romantic attraction for others.  It like a light has been switched on in my head and I feel like a weight has been lifted.

I've read two threads here and i can relate to every comment that has been typed. It all resonates with me I don't feel broken anymore. I'm happy that I finally understand and can say that I'm an aromantic hetrosexual. 

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I was dating about 5 times while I was between 13 and 19 years old and it was very exhausting and I think I could understand you. It's the fault of amatonormativy, literally nobody says about other ways to be happy and whatever, and I think it forces part of aros, who don't know they're aro, to be involved in romantic relationships because we simply don't know there are other paths. I'm talking about 'part' because there are aros who always knew they don't feel the romantic attraction and there are also aros who wish to date (and it's valid).

I'm happy you've found yourself. Alloaros are totally valid and welcome!

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Glad you found this place. They gave you cake, so I will give you some coffee and a key lime pie (insert tasty coffee and a slice of key lime pie). ^^ any questions feel free to ask or make threads. Hope you feel comfy and safe here

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