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heya! im christian, i'm 18, and i use they/them and any neopronoun sets really! i've been identifying as gray aromantic but i found out about idemromantic and that fits me a lot better ghsdfjh. quoiromantic is good, too. i'm also nblw/sapphic and nonbinary/agender/neutrois. i love video games and cartoons. i also love to draw and write and i'm currently learning chinese! i think i found this forum a couple days ago and am now really happy better discovering my feelings and that i'm on the aro spectrum. i'm only out to a couple folks and online as nonbinary and only my partner knows that i'm on the aro spectrum ovo



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@aroalien Hello! Welcome to Arocalypse! Have :aroicecream:!


On 5/4/2019 at 2:36 PM, aroalien said:

im christian

Name or religion? (I'm guessing that's your name but I ask just to be sure)


On 5/4/2019 at 2:36 PM, aroalien said:

i'm also nblw/sapphic

I'm interested to hear your definition on this as I don't think I have ever heard this orientation before. I tried to search the web for this one but didn't really find anything useful.

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Welcome! :) @The Angel of Eternity already gave you aro ice cream but there's no harm in giving you even more: :aroicecream:


I'll let @aroalien explain what those terms mean to them but if you're looking for a definition, @The Angel of Eternity, nblw is usually short for a nonbinary person who is attracted to women. Sapphic is also used for being generally attracted to women if I remember right.


Anyway, welcome again, and you sound really cool.

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On 5/4/2019 at 6:11 PM, The Angel of Eternity said:

@aroalien Hello! Welcome to Arocalypse! Have :aroicecream:!


Name or religion? (I'm guessing that's your name but I ask just to be sure)


I'm interested to hear your definition on this as I don't think I have never heard this orientation before. I tried to search the web for this one but didn't really find anything useful.

thank you for the welcome both of you! actually i go by christian because i like the name and also i believe in God as well ghsdjfsh


nblw is just short for a nonbinary person that's attracted to women and sapphic is another term for someone that's attracted to women as well!

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Nice to meet you, Christian! What do you like to write (if you don't mind me asking)?

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On 5/6/2019 at 10:40 PM, fae said:

Nice to meet you, Christian! What do you like to write (if you don't mind me asking)?

Heya! I'm more into writing short stories but I've been trying out poetry recently as well! I like poetry a lot since I used to be not that great it gsdfjsh

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A fellow writer! :)

Do you have a place you publish your writing? If you're comfortable, I'd love to see.

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