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organs and bone

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Everything posted by organs and bone

  1. this is an amazing concept, I have never thought of it like that before ♥️
  2. aros and aces alike: your humble opinion please


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smac n cheese
    3. AroAcedragon15
    4. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      love this shirt - got it at at a white elephant :)) so perfect!!

  3. why love songs when you could make 26,786,709 death threat songs about duo the duolingo owl

    1. P4R4D0X


      ...good idea!

    2. smac n cheese

      smac n cheese


  4. commission examples

    feel free to check out but please don’t edit


  5. “Welcome back to the recap of episode four million and 99 where [smac n cheese] was entrusted to hide the bodies, assured the friend group that the bodies would not be found, then the bodies became found and [smac n cheese] ended up in jail. Desperate to bail her out, [friend #1] decided to do arson, setting the school on fire and breaking a rule in the Student Handbook. [friend #1] joined [smac n cheese] in jail. It was [friend #2's] turn to earn bail money. [friend #2] , by existing, went to jail. One by one the friend group entered the jail cell until [friend #3] tripped on a rock and found a million dollars under the rock and use 99% of it to buy RAINWORLD, and then started a russian mafia business with [friend #4] the russian. They then earned enough bail money to let the friend group out of jail.” wtf my cheese
  6. what about orange juice an cereal (killers) what comes first then 👀
  7. go celebrate ur homegirls
  8. I would wait until high school if you could but I’m so very sorry 😞 😳
  9. this may be helpful, maybe not. it could be aesthetic attraction. it’s pretty much what it sounds like 🤷‍♀️ it’s not romantic attraction and a good amount of aros experience this and they are still aros! Aesthetic attraction occurs when you find someone’s physical appearance attractive. Feeling aesthetically attracted to someone often means you find specific parts of them attractive, such as their hairstyle, makeup, fashion, or physique. If you feel aesthetically attracted to someone, you might feel content just looking at them and admiring their beauty rather than being physically close to them. editing: here’s a good-ish article that may help you https://www.wikihow.com/Aesthetic-Attraction
  10. me, I started questioning at first being ace at 13, I believe? really just pondered it for a long time.
  11. welcome to this silly little game NO making the dot disappear. An example: Person 1: I roll the dot into a Cinnamon Roll @ Person 2: I eat the dot Person 1 is ok but Person 2 IS NOT NO changing colors of the dot! Real post example: Person 1: I change the dot to red . Person 2: I change the dot to blue . *changing the colour is okay for now. this may be changed* NO making the dot into more than one thing. Another real post: Person 1: I break off two parts of the dot and make it a sad face : ( Person 2: I tell a joke. The dot gets happy =D Person 3: I trip the dot, making it bleed D= Person 4: I relieve the dots miseries and turn it into a butterfly })i({ Although, I must admit, this is creative please do not do this. Of course, the simple rules of NO DOUBLE POSTING and ONE ACTION PER POST! If you saw anything in the other topic that you think shouldn't be done then please tell me! Symbols to use: Any letters, any numbers, ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? / you can also use multiple symbols! Like breaking the dot in half could result to this: - - Some ideas for posts: Oh look! A dot! . I stretch the dot _ I put the dot upright | I try to curve the dot but a little piece falls off ? I straighten the top part ! I smoosh it back together but it comes out a little jagged * And so on. But remember, ONE ACTION PER POST Oh look! A dot! .
  12. tldr. in want of a wolverine skull

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      bobcat + beaver!

      the bobcat is so very greasy, cant’ wait to clean it but right now I don’t have space as most of my other ones are being cleaned.



    3. P4R4D0X


      *oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh pretty*

    4. smac n cheese

      smac n cheese

      OMG I LOVE IT 

  13. Cheese is a dairy product produced in a range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. P4R4D0X


      probably the best words to describe me i have ever heard /hj

    3. SkyTuneRein
    4. organs and bone
  14. im offended because I think you forgot me
  15. Valentine’s Day maybe? I might hop on but without audio or video and just listen if that’s okay
  16. hmm a sad one “We lit a flame just to watch it burn Have we lost our roots, our ties to the earth? What I have seen has made me believe That we've buried ourself in paperwork Instead of planting trees” “We buried ourself in paperwork Instead of planting trees Buried ourselves in paperwork Instead of planting seeds We buried ourself in paperwork Instead of bein' free” fish in a birdcage global warming annnhhh
  17. winter sound sloom yellow light willow tree march halycon throne room brothers catastrophe
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