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Everything posted by retrobeetism

  1. A romantic aro, but instead of cupioromantic/grey(queer)romantic, I'm just very into nineteenth century classical music (romantic period)

  2. Have you heard of queerromantic? It's a type of attraction and relationship closer to and similar to romantic, but distinct to it. It's both different from romantic attraction/relationships, while still having romantic aspects. If queerplatonic is the queering of platonic attraction/relationships; queerromantic is the queering of romantic attraction/relationships. Actions by itself aren't specific to any type of attraction. It's how we view them that make them sexual, romantic, sensual, platonic, etc. If you feel that your relationship and feelings for him were kinda romantic but, at the same time, felt no romantic attraction, I'd say no, you aren't greyromantic (At least not in the strict sense). But you could be greyqueerromantic. Soft romo relationships and appromours can develop from queerromantic attraction. But again, only you can decide how to categorise your feelings.
  3. My superpower is technically being able to differentiate romance from friendship

  4. Around the age of 15. After I came out as nonbinary, I started to talk with people all over the queer community, aspec people included and I started to realise they had a lot of the same experiences I had and that I, just like them, lacked romantic (and sexual) attraction or at least didn't experience it as most people do. With the years I've also discovered I'm asensual and aplatonic too.
  5. It's between Bram Stoker's Dracula and Eroica right now. But my favourite movie changes a lot.
  6. Exactly. the idea of friendship as a universal phenomenon is so strong that the first thing people mention when talking about aplatonism is the possibility of having friends without attraction. Because there's no way someone could ever dislike and/or reject friendship. Friendship is always good and healthy (let's ignore the abuse and manipulation that can and do exist in platonic relationships), not like all those other (inferior) type of relationships. [heavy sarcasm here] Yes, exactly. It all comes down to platonormativity. They see platonic attraction and relationships as a universal human experience and, also, as "better" or "healthier" than other forms of attraction/relationships. So they can't grasp how someone could not want friendships or have a gender-specific platonic attraction. Because at the same time they claim platonic relationships are "just as important as sexual and romantic ones", they actually see friendships existing in a different plane.
  7. Green (dark). I can't use the other two (I can't see text on a white or light background)
  8. Retro because i like vintage and retro things. Beetism because Beety is life, Beety is love
  9. Yes, for sure. I feel like having genders that aren't strictly male or female and the way society categorise attraction in highly binary terms have made me feel alienated from the concept of attraction itself.
  10. I kinda hate how quick alloplatonics are to claim "aplatonic can still have friends", because yeah, while that may be true for some of us, it's not an universal experience. But not all of us do. I'm plato-repulsed, and I don't have people I call friends nor I want to. I don't like the idea of friendship at all and I don't want to be associated with it. It feels like allpls put the focus on cupiopl people (not cupioplatonic people's fault btw) because it kinda allow them to ignore aplatonism exists. But the ones that do not desire friendships? We are pathologised and villainised
  11. Yes, it is. One of the many drawings artist would do of him when they saw him at the tavern, at a random aristocrat's home or walking through the forest.
  12. Yes, I do. My avatar wasn't alive for any sixties lol
  13. The bi-a thing also happens the other way around. I think both that and the polyam and aro thing have to do with the bi and polyam community sharing experiences/being affected by the same systems that affect aromantic and aspec people in general. Both mspec and aspec people are affected by the idea that we all need to be (sexually and romantically mostly, as society does not recognise tertiary attraction, except maybe platonic) attracted to one gender and only one gender. Mspec people because they are attracted to more then one genders, aspec people because we are attracted to less than one/we lack attraction. In the case of polyamory and aromanticism, both communities are affected by amatonormativity. So it kind of make sense for someone that already challenge it through a lack of romantic attraction, could also challenge it by rejecting monogamy, which is nothing less than the socioeconomic and legal aspect of amatonormativity.
  14. I mostly read classic literature and fantasy in general, but I'm open to other things. Although lately I've been reading a lot of books about classical composers.
  15. I kind of always knew I wasn't alloromantic, I never had crushes like my classmate did, and even when I was a little child and received the typical "is he/she your boy/girlfriend" after interaction with a kid of the "opposite sex" (a.k.a with a different agab as me), me answer was always something on the lines of "don't be ridiculous, I'm too young for that". But I never stopped being "too young for that", I never started viewing others as potential romantic partners. In 2009 I entered in contact through facebook with the Asexual and Aromantic organisation of my country. My life changed! Not only there was a term (several indeed) for what I was experiencing; there were other people like me out there, I wasn't the only one out there that didn't ever stop being "too young" to develop romantic feelings.
  16. Hi there! How are y'all doing? I'm Pallas, 29. I'm a similoaffective omniaspec and out since 2009. I say i'm dark greyromantic/greysexual/greyplatonic/greysensual to simplify matters, but I'm actually fully anattractional at those forms of attraction and seldom experience forms of attractions that are adjacent to them. it's just easier to use those four types of attraction as umbrella terms of some kind. I consider myself loveless as I reject to apply the concept of love to my relationships, but I actually like to consume romantic media and wouldn't mind being in a romantic/queerromantic/soft romo relationship (it's not something I actively seek) I'm amphinitique and i go by neopronouns, mainly thon/ou/ve/fae/ze (or any variation), but I accept anything that isn't she/he/them/it. Most of my genders are outherine and I feel the o(u)therness of my gender affects my orientation, including the way I feel and not feel attraction, so I call myself a zeroic. I enjoy reading, the idea of writing (I rarely do the thing), vintage and retro media and fashion and classical music. My username is a reference to those last two things, retro + a reference to my favourite composer, Ludwig van Beethoven. I'm neurodivergent and disabled. And I'm vegan
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