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    AroAce; happy single
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    Czech Republic

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  1. Don't respond to him. Try to ignore him in your job and if he try "something", just tell him strongly you're not interrested (maybe more times, some people are slow to understand). Good luckπŸ€
  2. Just boring with the Windows Painting. Do you know this?πŸ˜€
  3. Yes, you're right. I just think about this feeling-You like the person but imagine dating with him/her makes you sick.
  4. Imagine: You meet a person, really kind and fine person. You become good friends, you find out you have a lot of common hobbies and you really like to spend the time with this person. You like the person like a friend. But the person falls in love with you and want to date with you. And imagine being in relationship with this person (common life and later sex, wedding etc...), you feel sick and unpleasantly. Not because of the person, but because of relationship. You like the person, but "just" like a friend, no more. And other people ask "Why you don't want to date with him/her? You don't like him/her? He/she is fine." and you don't know, how to answer. This happened to me a few times and I just want to know your opinion...
  5. I love single life and freedom! I love living alone and take care about myself and my life, just me and nobody else. I can do everything what I want and I don't have to take care about somebody, like "don't do this or that because it's unpleasant to me" I like to say with exaggeration "I'm a woman and man in one person in my household" I earn the money, take care about finance and do all the house works. Just me for myself, I don't want to do this for somebody else who would "hinder" in my space... I have never understood why people say "dear half", I'm a whole human, not just a "half"! I tried to be in relationship and live with him, and no more! Single life is the best for me and I will never change it. And I don't feel I miss something, I miss nothing.
  6. I'm at work and I don't care about it. I have never celebrated it and I'm not going to start...
  7. I'm 2,3,4 and 5. I'm not sure about 1 because I was in relationship a few times and I still don't know if I was really "In love" or I just liked his interest and I wanted to be with him because he is fine and kind...
  8. One guy told me he can fall in love with girl who he sees 8 seconds. That's what I don't understand. How can somebody fall in love with somebody who he don't know??? Romantic with candles... Somebody put the candles in all the room and call it romantic and beautiful? It's creepy, you can cause a fire! Breakup... Somebody ends the relationship and he/she is sad like if somebody dies. Why? Just one person disapeared from you'r life (and didn't die). The life continues... or I have just never been really "in love"... People who are still looking for somebody they could date with, and if they can't find anybody, they are sad and hopeless. They can't enjoy the single life, it's sad... "Romantic" dinner in a luxury restaurant. Why? It's just too expensive... These are things I have never understood. And maybe I never will...
  9. Thank you, 4/5 me...
  10. Yes, I'm not the only one.😊 I never visited the gender therapist, but why she was puzzled? She didn't understand you are happy to be free? You speak from my heart. For me it would be "destroyed life" if I got relationship. I have a bad experince from the past but I don't call it "trauma". That's a very strong word, how you say "something to overcome", something what hinders to you, something what you struggle with. I don't want be in relationship just because I don't want, because it's pointless to me. I'm not afraid of someone can hurt me.I'm just happy the way I am. I just tried to be in relationship and found out I don't need it. It's just useless concern. Yes, you're right! How can people think you'll be happy just with something you don't want?πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜€
  11. Oko


    Thank you for it. I never heard about this term, but now I read about it and this is what I am. I didn't know exists term for it and I'm glad it is. I will use it if someone will want to date with me :)
  12. I need to tell it, because I need to know if it's normal or not, if exists someone like me. People don't believe me and they think I'm traumatized and I say it like my "defence", but it's not true. I was in relationship, really bad and toxic. Much times I felt I would be happy and feel better without the man, but I didn't find courage or determination to breakup. Much times we argued (and we said words like "f*ck you", "I don't need you"... etc) and I wanted to breakup but "We had plan, we want to go there and there, it will be waste, I stick with him just more time..." Then he really disappointed me and I ended it. It was happiness and relief. I wasn't angry he did it, I was glad he did it and I had a reason to breakup. Many people feel sad because of breakup (toxic relationships too), but I didn't. I started to feel happy. During the relationship I felt like "My life is bad. Everything is bad. Why I'm still here? I'm not living, I'm just existing..." but after the breakup this feelings gone. Suddenly I love my life. Is it normal to be happy because of the breakup? Rejoice and don't cry?πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€ It's not just "I don't have the toxic person in my life anymore", but it's like "I'm not in relationship, I'm free, life is awesome!" I found out I love single life. I live alone in the flat with my cat, going to work and everything is just on me. For some people this is sad, but for me this is awesome. Just me and nobody more. My life is just mine. I want to change nothing. This is what I have wanted all my life. I don't know why I tried relationships in the past. Maybe to find out how is single life amazing.😹 Imagine be in relationship again I feel really sick. I often say "I have the amazing life and I don't want to destroy it by some relationship." My life is perfect the way it is. I just wanted to tell this. I'm bored of people who don't believe me. A lot of people wish me to find somebody and for me it's worse than wishing me dead. I don't overstate. Is there anybody who feels the same? I hope I explained it well in english. Thanks for reading. πŸ™‚
  13. I tried it but with automatic translate to my language. 42% asexual 42% asexual and aromantic 17% demisexual 0% aromantic 0% not aromantic I don't understand the resultπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜„
  14. I'm still asking. But I have always known I'm happy without relationships or sex. But I tried relationships a few times, maybe I thought it could change...
  15. Oko


    I said him I don't want relationship, he said it's ok. Maybe it's just bad experience from the past. I wanted to be a friend with a boy who loved me, I told him honestly I don't want to be in a relationship with him not to do a fake hopes, but he still maked a fake hopes and was angry to me. I don't want it to happen again.
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