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Everything posted by lovecook

  1. may i ask what essentialist means? i dont understand the definition google had given. either way ai generated images doesnt have what it takes to equate to manmade artworks; it should be used as a tool for artists instead of being profited off of and treated like a fellow human artist
  2. probably read into nonbinary[1][2][3]. genderfluid and agender are both under the nonbinary umbrella so i recommend u to understand the general concept first before researching into these specific labels. its also ok to experiment with pronouns and labels to know where exactly on the spectrum u sit
  3. i call it ai generated images instead since its not art. one could argue that art is subjective and different for everyone; but ai generated images lacks the effort that literally all human artists [whether thatd be a musician; painter; writer; poet; etc] has. drawing is supposed to be fun and the artist will have full control; bc ure the one that lays down every stroke and color of ur piece until it finishes so u can look at the piece and go 'i did a really good fucking job'. the tech bros has none of that. theyre not in control when they generated these images. its all created from a vast database of photos; videos and pieces from human artists [which are all taken and used without consent!]. u can type in really specific prompts and add a specific artist but most of the time it doesnt look like the piece u have in ur head so u try again and again... thats not what creating is abt tech bros try to say that they have to tweak their prompts to get the 'perfect' result; saying that ai generated images do need hardwork. i bet that all came from the previous point ive stated; bc theyre simply not in control of their own 'creation'. they be deadass saying they spend like 1.5 hours tweaking their prompts to perfection [directly quoted from an actual fucking tweet btw] and that ai generated images is the inevitable future [which i have to agree. ai is creeping up and were nowhere close to stopping ai generated images from stealing work] but literally searching up the dictionary definition of art can give u the answer. despite art being purely subjective; ai generated images would never fit the definition of art which is pretty darn objective and everyone had agreed on already; 'the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination'. ai is not a person; a human being. it should be used as a tool instead of an artist that others can profit off of. its unethical and fucking gross. ironic that tech bros try to be independent while ai has to use artworks from fellow human artists to work
  4. ye. some ppl doesnt like identifying as queer bc of the history of this word or some other reason. the trans folk didnt identify as queer likely due to their hetero attraction not being queer; but as a trans person they chose to identify as part of the community bc well; trans ppl are included in the lgbtq community
  5. gee; i can feel the pain across the screen
  6. school is a bitch. thats all i can say to it
  7. ye. non lgbtq aros are just chilling. they shouldnt be used for anything i have no idea what the left and right wing shenanigans is abt [mainly bc im not interested in politics] but they definitely share the same beliefs and both shit on the left ideologies. but them posting the same video at the same time is so funny; its almost as tho they planned it
  8. ah shit. here we go again
  9. dont even get me started on matt walsh and ben shapiro shitting on the same aspec related article on valentines day as tho they ran out of content lmfao. these two are literally just carbon copies and following trends too; theyre not any better also again to ops question ill add that if an aro person dont think they belong in the lgbtq community then they dont have to identify as part of it; its ones choice to identify as queer or not. but they can never speak for the entire community on this matter
  10. i identify as queer bc of my lack of attraction and not cis; and i think aros are part of the lgbtq community. the new acronym 'lgbtqia+' includes the aspec and agender community in the letter a so if that doesnt say enough idk what will
  11. ye. its really chill here and its easier to get into convos than on aven bc most of the time my interactions would just get ignored just like me fr
  12. chilling so far. final schoolday of the week
  13. late to the party but welcum to the club
  14. posts like these are so hard to read thru. literally just asking for drama and mass reports
  15. i hate the questions asking for personal info especially during a discussion. you can be talking abt a lgbtq label and someone will pop up and say 'are you [the lgbtq label im talking abt]?' in the manner of if youre not x you cant say anything abt x. as long as im educated on the topic i can talk abt it regardless of my identity ffs; why cant ppl just understand that
  16. im drawing doodles for aro week. these are the ones ive done so far
  17. neat. i dont have day offs but im planning to draw some aro themed art
  18. happy aro awareness week btw
  19. yess aro cafe. gotta be one of my fav aro positive accs
  20. its very easy actually. just casually ask abt a qar and if she doesnt know you can educate her on abt it then slowly lead to the final question. its the most natural way to go abt it
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