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Everything posted by lovecook

  1. dont think theres a difference between panaspec and unattractional but heres the omniaspec wiki page which also has other helpful hyperlinks so you can learn more abt the aspec identities
  2. aw shucks. hope you figure it out soon. im glad that i know what i am atm even tho i literally have no idea what im feeling
  3. i dont even know what any attraction feels like and im pretty sure ive experienced platonic and queerplatonic attraction before but its been a long ass time since ive felt those attractions and i simply have no desire to deepen my connection with anyone nor do i find anyone attractive in any way i hope i can experience attraction someday and go back to being omniaspec lol
  4. i honestly dont have any solutions you have to know that one doesnt need romantic relationship to have a fulfilling life; even if youre incapable of a romantic relationship you still have your friends colleagues family etc supporting you; you can still feel platonic love toward these people. tbh thats enough for me. i love my friends family and classmates enough to forget abt the 'cant fall in love' and 'single forever' thoughts bc im happy even without them i recommend you to try to stop thinking abt romance so much by hanging out more with people whom youve already built a connection with; for instance i recommend talking with friends; call them! talk to them abt your struggles and its even better if you have fellow aro friends as well. if not then you can always interact with others on this forum one thread i would suggest you to interact in is this one
  5. ive collected all the As in the lgbtq community. its over
  6. all of a sudden im aspec for all attraction and even gender now. it cant possibly get worse
  7. i feel ya. despite being a pretty extroverted person i still cant reject smth like this under social pressure. you should tell them over text if youre anxious abt it
  8. cupioromantic describes a romance favorable aro for short. basically being you experience little to no romantic attraction but you desire a romantic relationship. here are some threads i found regarding cupioromanticism thread on aven; defining cupioromantic thread on arocalypse; cupioromantic thread arospec wiki; defining cupioromantic helpful website; defining cupioromantic + explain cupioromantic experiences
  9. sounds like cupiosexual. the cuddlual attraction youre talking about is sensual attraction
  10. do you want to come out to her as aroace? if so then educate her abt the term first to see if shes supportive neutral or downright aphobic. depends on her reaction you can come out or not
  11. yes but that the latter is exactly what im trying to say. discussing whether smth is valid or not is not suitable for this forum which is what that old thread is implying since bi/pan lesbians are already controversial
  12. the thread is long dead tho. you cant reply to it anymore. what do you want to talk abt since i dont think its a suitable topic for arocalypse anyway
  13. idk. i created this and then made grape themed aro and ace flags. you can find that in my status updates i think
  14. its actually a typo i got from saying 'you suck' lol. good to know its an existing name yes. its a typo of it sounds like a pet name for him tbh. i kind of dont like that name anymore now that i cant unhear it lol
  15. i literally have a list of names i could use in the future if my current name is no longer appealing to me. most of them originated from typos that doesnt really mean anything so i only like certain names for how its worded and pronounced
  16. oh gee that sucks ass. hope they get better soon tho
  17. oh shit yes youre the swag ass dendrian innit. neat to see you on here!
  18. i am falling behind on my design technology project yet im still procrastinating lol i just aint got no motivation to catch up with this crap i just want this class to be about the mock exam result but i guess the examiners didnt finish marking the papers yet. goddammit
  19. green grapes. ive made an aro flag with a green grape icon before. i just think its neat
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