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Everything posted by alien

  1. Do you mean the status updates? Try clicking on the 'what's on your mind?' thingy above the status updates I think that's how you do it
  2. alien

    teen corner

    I listen to studio ghibli movie ost in piano version or animal crossing ost Ok bit off topic but today at school I met a friend with a black ring on their middle finger on their left hand And I thought it might be an ace ring? Even tho it was on the left hand So I asked if it meant anything..and they said no ;0;
  3. alien

    teen corner

    Hehe I'm the opposite of athletic
  4. OoOh just remembered an aro moment!! I used to forget that having a crush is wanting to be in a romantic relationship with someone specific I would find my 'crushes' aesthetically attractive, just thinking that they are cute/ cool etc I would just watch from a safe distance admiring them So one day I kinda overheard some people talking about their crushes and they were talking about how their crushes aren't reciprocated and how they wanted to be in a romantic relationship with them And my brain just stopped for a full 5 seconds trying to process that
  5. What the title says, post your squish stories here!
  6. Not understanding why my friends..date I guess it seems cool but meh not for me And feeling (pretty much every other type of) attraction, but thinking it's romantic attraction when in reality it's probably not
  7. I figured out I was gray ace first After watching Jaiden Animations's video, I learned that sexual attraction..exists I do experience some sexual attraction I guess? But it's been a long time and I sometimes forget that I can experience that Then I questioned my romantic orientation, and I kinda still am,but grayro feels right so grayro it is
  8. I came out to two of my closest friends It wasn't an aphobic reaction (thank goodness) but they ( or at least one of them) can't understand the arospec But they're really positive about it and theyre trying to learn so I'm really happy
  9. We just haven't found the right person yet It's OK to be aro ( or arospec) as long as you have platonic love. Also ppl thinking that all aromantic people hate romance
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