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Status Updates posted by owl

  1. Hooray for 200 members :D

  2. Gotta love the Welsh names being read out at the train station... They sound made up..

  3. Just remembered I have a test tomorrow, done no revision for it... >.<

    1. Zema


      That's how I do tests! But I'm just really good at tests.

  4. mmm.... raspberry ice cream covered in white chocolate :)

    1. breaddd


      Thanks. I'm hungry now. xD (I'm always hungry and I actually don't think this affected how hungry I am.)

  5. some people in my class were talking about non binary genders.... and actually being respectful!

    1. breaddd


      Good stuff! Especially since they know what non-binary genders are.

    2. 46odnetnin


      ~Is this reaaal liiiife?

      Is this just fantasyyy?

      caught in a laaaaaaaaaandslide

      escape from realityyyy~

  6. I always think the notification sound from this site is a skype message.. they don't even sound that similar

    1. Robin
    2. omitef


      I always think the chatroom notifications sound like a dog. I have a love-hate relationship with the doorbell notification.

  7. doing some survey, asked for sexual orientation and gave the options "hetero-,homo-,bi- and transgender" ....heavy sigh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. breaddd


      Some kids on my bus were talking about tran people. They seem to follow the strange concept that trans people are just "so gay that they become the opposite gender"...

      "Well, a normal guy wouldn't just decide to be a girl right in the middle of high school." They don't understand what being transgender really is. It's not a radical decision >:( it's just being ourselves.

    3. Spud


      The saddest thing about this, was the fact that he is gay. I feel like he should at least know a little about this stuff, right?

    4. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      What all surveys should do is the 2 part 'direction and magnitude' question asked on this site

      1. Homo- Hetero- Bi/Pan- Ace-

      2. Allo- Demi- Grey- Lith- Aro-

      Easy peasy squeeze the lemon

  8. I got this summer placement I was going for! 4-5 weeks doing some research with gravitational waves!

  9. don't have class till 1:30 today.... probably should get some work done before that but nah let's play video games

  10. Wow I hit the like daily limit.... great

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DannyFenton123
    3. Tal Shi'ar

      Tal Shi'ar

      haha what are you lot even doing to like so many posts :P

    4. owl


      CAPSLOCKIA, tal :P

  11. It's 6am and I kinda wanna go back to sleep but... I also want to check out the forums 

  12. Happy week birthday arocalypse! They grow up so fast...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. owl


      You have to enable it in profile settings (below where your birthday is) then you can do it from profile/front page :)

    3. DeMorgan


      * cries *

    4. ArodynamicallyFavored


      Ooooohhhhhhh thanks :D

  13. Happy birthday Danny! Will you be sharing pictures of your haircut? :D

    1. DannyFenton123


      Thanks Simowl! My haircut won't be for several days but I will post pictures! ;)

  14. I burnt my finger really bad :( It won't stop hurting 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zema


      No, you need to put it in running cold water, not just cold water.

    3. owl


      Yeah been standing at the tap for a bit, a blister formed already ugh 

    4. DannyFenton123
  15. 100 members, yay :D

  16. This site's only been up for a few days but it's already making me so happy :D You're all awesome!

    1. DannyFenton123


      It's making me so happy too xD

  17. Managed to get my CV/Cover Letter done for this summer thing I'm going for!

  18. I just got Netflix... there goes any productivity I had

  19. it's already great to start watching this site grow :D


    1. DeMorgan


      It's doing very well.

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