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Status Updates posted by Zae

  1. Discord is annoying with it's location secruity thing :\

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. paporomantic


      @Zae How about googling for 'how to view saved passwords in <insert your browser>'? I mean, retrieve your email password from the browser at home, write it down and then use it at school.

    3. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Although if a database is setup properly you shouldn't be able to copy out of a "password" field.

    4. paporomantic


      There's no need to copypaste - it's enough to view the password on the screen and write it down on paper. Chrome does give such a possibility through passwords.google.com ; however, if Zae forgot the Google account password and uses Chrome and hasn't specified a phone number for password restoration, then they're in serious trouble indeed. I haven't researched how Firefox stores passwords yet, shame to me.

      OK, here's the instruction for Firefox https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/password-manager-remember-delete-change-and-import

  2. Every time someone defines the word "love" as romantic feelings I die a little bit inside.

  3. D: Discord doesn't work~

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Fine for me. Reinstall?

    2. Zae


      It also didn't work on phone or in my browser~

      Who knows what was up~


  4. My friend and I agreed that Math is a very handsome partne that won't cheat on me....at least not with her 'cause they hate each other....

    1. Robin


      Or, from another perspective, math cheats on everyone

  5. You waste all your time on AVEN? Then we have the pervect product for you: Arocalypse. Waste even more time!

    1. Robin


      Still a better waste of time than Facebook

  6. Eating cake three days in a row! Now I want some ice cream~

  7. I joined the papocalypse!

    It will reign supreme!

    1. owl


      One of us, one of us!

  8. Coffe and chips aren't really an awesome combination....

    1. Dodgypotato


      Potato is good with ANYTHING. I don't know if you're aware, but I'm a strong supporter of the idea of potato flavoured icecream.

  9. Oh right, I finished a new cover photo for my profile~

    1. Zema


      It looks good!

  10. The scanner finally works again!

  11. That moment when you do something and instandly regret it -.-

  12. Watching anime and eating instand ramen, perfect start to the day~

  13. The only good thing about summer is the ice cream!

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