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Posts posted by DeltaAro

  1. 23 hours ago, Isa1116 said:

    I usually just stay as lithromantic but the definition says they fall out of love once in a relationship. I've never been in a relationship so I don't think I can say I'm lithromantic. I want to but I'm going to wait until I have a relationship.

    You don't necessarily need a relationship to find out. Lithromantic also means that romantic attraction fades when it is reciprocated, which could happen in the process when forming a relationship.

    23 hours ago, Isa1116 said:

    I might be wrong and I'm just scared this is a phase or something and I'm lying to myself. :(

    There isn't anything wrong with it just being a phase. If you feel differently later, that will come naturally.

    15 hours ago, Isa1116 said:

    The reason I was so excited when I realized I might be a-spec is because I never really knew who I was before so I felt complete almost. But thx.

    If you cannot find a good label, despite a lot of searching, in the end there's always quioromantic. That fits by definition, then. Otherwise, good luck!

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    • Thanks 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Nix said:

    Nice! I’m also playing it on PS5 now, because my PS4 sadly died a few weeks back :( Luckily I could upgrade the game for free (the disk just has to be inserted for that).

    Yeah, the shortage is finally over. But you had to buy the bundle, it seems?

    10 hours ago, Nix said:

    How was God of War? My version of the PS5 console came with a ‘free’ copy, but I’m not sure if this is a game for me…

    I mean, it has 94% on metacritic, so graphics and gameplay are very good.

    Perhaps that's slightly overrated since it's so video-gamey at times.  In Souls games, your character could kill dragons, demons and golems but could not break through a generic wood door. But GowR takes this to another level. Here, some humble ferns present an impenetrable barrier. 😆

    It's a bit too violent for me to really like it. But I can't seriously regard this as a flaw, since it's called "God of War" and it's PEGI 18, so I was warned.

    The difficulty is adjustable, I played it on normal. The mobs are a bit overpowered compared to the main bosses, which are more spectacle fights than a tough challenge. This is kind of weird, honestly, that some random group of Draugr is as difficult as Heimdall himself.

    Oh, well, one thing: it has a 90 min teen romance segment between Loki and Angrboda. You do activities like riding on some sort of cow and collecting fruit. 🙄 IMHO that should all be put into skippable cutscenes.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

    Which isn't me saying that everyone is into that, obviously, but like, there's nothing wrong with having an interest in sex or romance or what have you.

    There also is nothing wrong with the other guilty pleasures mentioned here.

    But we believe they (fanfiction, shonen anime, ...) are below our intellectual level or refined tastes. Still, we like them. So this conflict with our self-image we call guilty pleasure. 🙃

    Sex OTOH or romance cannot be a guilty pleasure because it's simply not highbrow or lowbrow in the first place.

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/21/2023 at 6:31 PM, roboticanary said:

    An Englishman an Irishman and a Scotsman were in a pub

    They had to leave because the Englishman didn't like it.


    A man finds an aardvark on the roadside. Thinking the aardvark is lost, the man takes it, drives until finding a police officer and asks what to do.

    "You should take it to the zoo" replies the officer.

    One week latter, the police officer sees the man driving with the aardvark by his side.

    "What are you still doing with that animal? I told you to bring him to the zoo."

    I did exactly that. He loved it, and now we are going to the movies.


    (you know it's an old 🐧 joke 😝)

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Harvest said:

    A thread like this would definitely work better as a poll, easier for collecting data.

    See here. You can add more than one question, but I don't think you can extract the data to calculate correlation, so I left out questions about sexual and romantic orientation.

    Anyway, the MBTI isn't a good tool for scientific analyses. Haha. It chops up a continuum into binary categories. But what I really like about it is that it doesn't contain negative traits.

    Big Five may be 1000 times more accurate and scientific, it's not something you could ever use for community building or as a tool to get to know each other.

    Just imagine you casually do Big Five with your classmates or coworkers, and find out that some score very high at neuroticism. 😧

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/20/2023 at 7:36 AM, Ikarus said:

    Men are uncomfortable with seeing psychiatrists

    Sorry for the nitpicking, but this example is a bit weird, since this isn't even obviously 100 % bad on the level of society.

    Mental health isn't like e.g. cancer screening, where the resources exist, but are underutilized. Instead, the demand for mental healthcare services is very high, but there are not nearly enough mental health providers.

    So the stereotypically masculine trait like stoicism isn't always negative. It depends...

    On 3/20/2023 at 7:36 AM, Ikarus said:

    What do you find problematic about masculine and feminine gender roles?

    To me, this is like asking what I find problematic about romance. Sure, I could provide a long list, but then someone comes along and tells me that this is unfair because it's all just an expression of amatonormativity. OTOH, if you remove all the strange stuff from romance, is it even romance anymore?

    Most cliché masculine and feminine traits aren't bad per se. It depends on the situation. But again:


    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Queerdo said:

    I feel that's exactly it. There's a fair number of people putting sex and romance on a pedestal, and treating anything else as either unhealthy or a disability accommodation.

    Pardon my uninformed question, but if you put sex on a pedestal on a board for asexuals, aren't you doing something wrong?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  8. 13 hours ago, DaviM703 said:

    My case for why they might based on my experience: when everyone including myself thought I was a boy, people acted like there was something wrong with me for having the friendship inclinations I did and a therapist tried to tell me I should deliberately favor male friends in a way I think is somewhat reminiscent of conversion therapy and if they had been right about my gender, it seems to me like a form of not accepting people the way they are based on something related to gender and that's the same category of experience as people of pretty much everything that is agreed to be an LGBTQ+ identity have

    They assume that same-sex friendships are better or less fraught with problems, because sexual/romantic attraction won't get in the way and there's deeper understanding and more equality between people of the same gender. Very big assumptions, IMHO, especially since not all people are cis, straight and gender-conforming.

    It's difficult to draw the line between what constitutes 'core' identity (where any effort to change is harmful and impossible) and traits that can and should be changed. If I were a therapist, I wouldn't criticize friend choices except if those "friends" are obviously harmful. It would feel like violating boundaries to push a wedge between some friendship of my client because of my preconceived notion of how friendships should be.

    So is heterosociality LGBTQ+? There are no 'official' criteria, so I don't know.

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, nonmerci said:

    My that's crazy. I don't know why I'm surprised disabled people can't yet married in some countries, of course humanity discriminates about this. 😡

    AFAIU this wasn't about a legal ban and instead about losing all disability benefits if a disabled person marries.

    Aros who find this funny are aspiring aro Dr. Evils, of course.

    The official "logic" behind it is: "You get these new benefits of marriage, so we take your old ones".

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Lovebird said:

    I don't really where it came from because it needs to be stopped regardless. The feelings of disabled arospecs should prioritise the bad takes of those who are obviously NTs who are looking for an excuse to throw people under a bus.

    Sorry for my long last post. What I mean is: for whatever reason, alloromantics really like to compare romantic love with madness. While paradoxically believing that love is what makes you human!

    Both ideas are deeply entrenched in our culture, and aros feel forced to react to them. Of course, this harms neurodivergent people again.

    But you would have to teach aros that they should not agree to the ideas of alloromantic mainstream and just interpret them differently. E.g. gleefully agreeing that love is madness. Or the "I assure you, I'm not a psycho because I experience this other type of love xy" groveling. Instead, they should reject those ideas completely.

    Obviously, this is not going to happen tomorrow.

    1 hour ago, Lovebird said:

    But what makes no sense to also is the people who DO say it's just a feeling you can get rid of that it's just a chemical, when you could say that about literally any emotion! "Romantic attraction is just a chemical!!" so is every other human emotion ever, what do you think serotonin is?? I swear 90% of the aro community fell asleep in psychology class.

    I belong to the 10 %.   😇 Who knows what emotions are, correlation doesn't mean it is the thing. Lightning isn't thunder.

    I don't know what those aros are up to here. It's perhaps a reaction to mystical ideas like "soul mates" which exist for romantic love but not for other emotions like friendship. So saying "it's just chemicals" could exactly mean that romantic love is not fundamentally different from other emotions. I don't know.

    • Like 2
  11. 14 hours ago, Lovebird said:

    Idk who needs to hear this but calling people psychos/crazy/mentally ill for experiencing romantic attraction and saying romantic love is the equivalent to a mental illness or a curable disease is a spit in the face disabled, neurodivergant and mentally ill folk of all stripes, especially those who have been fighting for marriage & relationship equality.

    Romantic love was traditionally compared to madness, so it's not something aros came up with.

    This goes all back to Plato. He stated that four types of madness are divine gifts: prophecy, mysticism, poetry and love.

    Plato praised love as admiration of the Form of Beauty, which our soul had "seen" in another life. It makes the soul remember and long for the realm beyond the heavens (the forms).

    So the source of "love is madness" is actually exclusionary to aros.

    And while I'd say romantic love in the acute phase can involve altered states of consciousness, this is temporary and something most people experience (and therefore accepted or even expected). Romantic love may involve negative feelings, but overall it's more positive or at least a mixed bag, which is not typically true for mental illnesses.

    • Like 1
  12. 21 hours ago, 7sev said:

    may i ask what essentialist means? i dont understand the definition google had given.

    "Essence" means the underlying nature of a thing, a concealed quality which makes it what it is. Essentialist thinking is believing in essences and that there are natural categories which depend on them.

    For example, the idea posted here, that the essence of art is the "creative expression of emotions", that AI generators lack. They don't express anything, don't have emotions, and instead just produce their images according to fixed logical rules and calculations.

    You see, this supposed "essence of art" isn't directly observable. E.g. "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial" was assumed to be human-made and even won a prize, but was unknowingly AI generated. "Muse in a Warzone" is the opposite story, wrongly suspected to be AI-generated.

    21 hours ago, 7sev said:

    either way ai generated images doesnt have what it takes to equate to manmade artworks; it should be used as a tool for artists instead of being profited off of and treated like a fellow human artist

    If they can replace artists, they'll be used as such. 😐 It's even advertised that way.

    I agree that it feels like artists are profited off. But it's a conundrum...

    While overfitting may cause the AI model to partly reproduce images from the training set, that's the exception, not the norm. And without a concrete similarity, whose rights are infringed?

    It would normally be impossible to prove that a particular image was used in the training set. So it needs a special law that makes the training sets explicitly opt-in.

    • Like 1
  13. On 3/6/2023 at 1:32 AM, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

    The problem is that the AIs are being trained on art taken from real artists without their consent or permission, and then sold to people who are using this technology to avoid employing human artists. Those artists whose art the AIs are being told to replicate, or being taught how to draw from, deserve to be paid for their work and they deserve to have the work attributed to them. AI art, in the end, is just futuristic plagiarism.

    Except for outsider art, human artists also learn art from other artists and are inspired by them. No permission is needed, because training on other people's art is neither stealing nor plagiarism.

    AI image generators do something resembling learning and abstraction, and generate the image on multiple layers of detail. They don't just collage together existing works. The AI doesn't have the database of the original images anymore - the "only" thing left are the millions of parameters in the nodes of the ANN.

    OTOH, the trainings sets needed are extremely large. No human artist has to look at 50,000 images to paint competently, so here the comparison falls apart.

    On 3/6/2023 at 1:33 AM, 7sev said:

    but literally searching up the dictionary definition of art can give u the answer. despite art being purely subjective; ai generated images would never fit the definition of art which is pretty darn objective and everyone had agreed on already; 'the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination'. ai is not a person; a human being.

    This sounds very essentialist. Also, this:

    On 3/6/2023 at 3:46 AM, hemogoblin said:

    It is not soulful. It is not human expression. It is not expression at all. It is calculator equations.

    100 % essentialism. So, we maybe rethink our attitude towards essentialism a bit? Personally, I never thought it was unequivocally bad.

    9 hours ago, BasicallyEmoPotato said:

    This is a very controversial topic, I see. 

    Personally, I don't consider it real art.

    If we discussed this in a universal basic income utopia, it would be much more relaxed.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, whatistheromance said:

    How is it disempowering people, if I may ask?

    To put it in a bon mot: AI could automate menial work, so that people can engage more in uplifting pursuits like art. Instead, it automates art, so people can do more menial work.

    Is capitalist greed behind this? Difficult question. It could also be the Moravec paradox in action.

    Also, the bon mot above comes from a privileged perspective. If a person's job gets automated away, this is always bad for them in the short term. Even it was dull and unpleasant, it was their source of livelihood. Automation is an average plus for society, but without wealth distribution, it may leave some people much worse off.

    PS: You certainly hit a nerve with this thread. 😀 Very interesting topic.

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