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Posts posted by DeltaAro

  1. 2 hours ago, Neon said:

    except for maybe trained professionals (such as in cult deprogramming).

    The problem of bringing all this to the meta-level is that the other side can and actually does this too. I see this all the time with TERFs and the like.

    It's kind of like the West has its fact checkers, exile Russians against Putin, socio-historical analyses of post-Soviet Russia, and duh, the Kremlin has all that, too, in reverse, even "exile Westerners" (must be a well-paying job).

    Many transphobes or aphobes believe (or at least pretend to) that "TRAs" ("trans-radical activists") and aro/ace-activists are the real bigots and need cult deprogramming.

    It's a common hobby for them to imagine a future in which it turned out they were on the right side of history.

    Like some sort of reckoning happened, a future where kids get psychotherapy to cure their transgender identity or aromanticism, GRS is banned (it's categorized as a "conversion therapy"), and most trans-activists nervously deny they were ever involved.

    A future in which you can watch documentaries with aroaces, trans-people "finally waking up " and deeply regretting their mistakes and explaining how they got sucked into it (think "interviews with Omu Shinrikyo ex-members").

    To this comes the extreme persecution complex: they've been banned from most social media platforms and built their own, which is "obvious" proof of the truth being suppressed.

    In case of TERFs they see themselves as "persecuted wise women" (silenced by the patriarchy?). Usually an avatar of a witch stands next to a transphobic comment.

    Sorry, this is just an unfocused stream of consciousness post.

    Honestly I'm totally confused how most people's thinking seems to work... it's so tribal and so extremely "meta". More intelligent people produce even more complex "meta" justifications. But to me it results in two perfect mirror structures facing each other, detached from anything concrete, and no real insight is ever gained.

    So given that how do people actually make up their or shock ... change their minds? I feel like an πŸ‘½ please explain, maybe I'm totally wrong.

  2. 20 hours ago, whatistheromance said:

    Like legit the full acronym is LGBTQIA+ why do some people not have the mental capacity to process that it is a valid orientation and not just "virgin"? Legit some people just say "no b!tches" whenever I even slightly mention aromanticism to them. I seriously dont understand why some people dont think it isnt valid. I have seen no arguments for the invalid side, just "it invalid lul". So, please, other more experienced people, enlighten me: Why do some people think it's invalid?

    If you try to "steelman" this: they probably would object to LGBTQIA, because they think being aro is too subtle or too unimportant to be part of a movement (this isn't directly entailed in LGBT... acronyms, but hinted at).

    The "virgin" conflation is just too stupid... I don't care. Even for aroaces it would be completely wrong.

  3. 2 hours ago, Holmbo said:

    seems so obvious

    I heard everything about aromanticism... but, but, I've not seen all aro art!

    2 hours ago, Holmbo said:

    or kinda overly dramatic

    Depends on my mood. Often I feel that way about my own posts, like "Seriously, I wrote this extremely cringe, overly dramatic stuff?" but other times it feels justified. πŸ˜–

    • Like 2
  4. Spoiler

    If you had the time to lose,
    An open mind and time to choose,
    Would you care to take a look,
    Or can you read me like a book?

    Time is always on my side,
    Time is always on my side.

    Can I tempt you, come with me,
    Be Devil may care, fulfill your dream,
    If I said I'd take you there,
    Would you go, would you be scared?

    Time is always on my side,
    Time is always on my side.

    Don't be afraid, you're safe with me,
    Safe as any soul can be ... honestly,
    Just let yourself go.

    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time ... oh oh

    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time ... oh oh

    Like a wolf in sheep's clothing,
    You try to hide your deepest sins,
    Of all the things that you've done wrong,
    And I know where you belong.

    Time is always on my side,
    Time is always on my side.

    Make you an offer you can't refuse,
    You've only got your soul to lose...
    Eternally... ah ah let yourself go!

    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught somewhere in time
    Caught now in two minds!

  5. 11 minutes ago, Collie said:

    Some do take the verse that says Jesus was "tempted in every way as we are" to mean He was bisexual or pansexual. But who really knows. I don't pretend to.

    Seriously, after having read the New Testament multiple times, I've come to the conclusion that Jesus was either aroace or pan.

    Really, nothing else makes any sense....

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, roboticanary said:

    fantastic, just added that

    Great! πŸš€

    13 hours ago, roboticanary said:

    ok, sorry but can you tell me where on the site this is, i am having an idiot moment and am not sure where this picture was from

    When you click on "Unread Content", it's on the overview to the left.

    Do you want a light version of the header, too, so they would geometrically match 1:1?

    PS: you signature looks odd in dark mode... it should be light on dark. πŸ˜‰

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Nix said:

    Wait… I’ve just realised that this sticker is some aroace art I created myself, so I DO own some pride stuff… nice.

    Wait... the cat is aroace?

    20 hours ago, Whirl said:

    Hi!! I just wanted to show y'all some of the aro pride stuff I've been collecting over the past months and also talk a bit about how I got each piece. I'm actually shocked I've found ANY aro stuff in my country, but I'm very happy about that I did!

    Yes, very impressing!! Of course I can order all sorts of aro stuff online but I don't know anything about fairs or LGBTQ+ groups. Must be great to find aro "merchandise" IRL.

    • Like 3
  8. Sorry, I promised to improve the header! I'll do it this weekend.

    Otherwise I πŸ’š the new dark mode. It's such an improvement. Great work!

    23 hours ago, roboticanary said:

    text editing options looking weird on the dark background

    That's the biggest issue. Funny, the eye icon looks ok for whatever reason...

    Is it in principle possible to use custom CSS classes?

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/10/2022 at 5:58 AM, Storm_leopardcat said:

    I mean the drink that is considered tea in Britain. Basically just boiled water with tea leaves and maybe some sugar, if I recall correctly?
    And by other teas I mean stuff like Earl Grey, Oolong, White tea, etc.

    All types of tea (black, Oolong, green, white, yellow, Pu-Erh) are drunk in China, and they're traditionally prepared according to the Chinese Gong Fu method (in the West, tea is a commodity. But in China and Japan it has the prestige and cultural importance that wine has in Europe).

    This method is much more involved than the Western method, but for black tea it's basically still simply "tea leaves + boiled water" (for other teas lower temperatures are used).

    Gongfu uses short brewing time, much more leaves and multiple infusions.

    Yet even if prepared according to the Western method, a Chinese black tea will taste quite different compared to Indian black tea (Darjeeling, Assam or Ceylon).

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, A User said:


    They do hosting, too? I just thought they provided the web community software...

    PS: Invision is the reason why you can't have high-res "frog catching fly" badges for mods.

    • Like 2
  11. On 11/13/2022 at 1:38 PM, Storm_leopardcat said:

    You mean to say Lisbeth is allo aro?

    Lisbeth is basically asocial, but as a result of her experiences. So while she behaves allo-aro I don't think she's such a good example.

    Overwhelmingly, allo-aros are otherwise rather normal and not psychologically disturbed and/or jaded.


    • Like 1
  12. On 11/10/2022 at 7:08 PM, Storm_leopardcat said:

    Like maybe it's because people find a romantic relationship without the sex or without a sexual relationship to be less dirty, or more wholesome? Do people consider sexual relationships without romantic attraction/romance, or a romantic relationship, to be creepy, or more dirty, or something?

    Probably, but that's a modern development. Traditionally in most cultures the presence or absence of romance was nearly completely irrelevant. Instead marriage was the deciding factor if sex was regarded as wholesome or frowned upon. And those marriages were often rather "aromantic".

    • Like 1
  13. 18 hours ago, A User said:

    but also i love aloe vera! it's so cool!

    I also like Agave.


    Looks like from an alien planet. πŸ‘½

    18 hours ago, A User said:

    oh no you FRICKING DID NOT-

    Hey OP stared with this! Posted poppy as favourite plant. πŸ˜„

    Papaver somniferum is another one of those unfairly maligned plants, despite providing a delicious food ingredient.


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