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Everything posted by Kojote

  1. That's why I put it in spoilers. Sry if I went too off topic, there. I can be a bit overenthusiastic with topics like these sometimes .__."
  2. I don't actually know if any online quiz is "the real one"TM. I've taken both MBTI, NEO-PI-R and the NEO-FFI (along with lots of other tests), while I was still studying psychology. We had test theory lessons and as a way to learn how to properly analyse and interpret a test, we usually filled them out ourselves. The 16personality site might just be the real one, I wouldn't know, as I don't remember all the items (should be close to 100). I've seen version, that are way to short, though. Yadda yadda =D
  3. The real MBTI is a loooong test, with questions scaling on a continuum and you can leave neutral answers if nothing really fits. Lot's of the free ones online are abbreviations or incomplete. There's also been a rise of different "versions" due to it's popularity, which I find baffling, seeing as there's only one real and complete version out there. Boring yadda yadda?
  4. INTP here =D There's a section about that on everyones profil ^^ I recommend this page to read up on your profil. It's webdesign might be an abomination but the text is super insightful and way more nuanced =D It also divides social in relationships in general, lovers, family and friends.
  5. Pokemon have taken over my life ;__; Somebody help? D:" 

  6. @Cassiopeia Yes. That the one I remember! thanks. It's probably because I'm a weapons enthusiast, but I kind off really love it, that we've got an arrow and a labrys so far =D
  7. I forgot to write that I couldn't open the link. Sorry. Your right! I looked it up. That's what I get for citing from memory instead of googling for 5 seconds.
  8. @Cassiopeia I'm a bit concerned about the black triangle due to.. well... reasons... How important a symbol is it? It's included in the pride flags, but I remember that there's a lesbian flag version with stripes and gradients, like most of them. @Louis Hypo Since the orientation of sexual aro's vary, I'd rather not include "sex symbols" in general (which shouldn't be a phallus anyway xD). I'm probably more prone to make "one identity per Shirt" Designs anyway. If I remember right, the cards were: - Spades - Aro - Heart - Romantic Ace - Diamond - Demi - Clubs - Gray I don't know who coined them. I know they are meant for Aces, but I wonder if they can be used outside of this context. Would you say a spade/club or diamond could be used by non-aces?
  9. Would you consider Ice Cream or Papos as symbols? =D
  10. I'm playing Ark way to much D: Somebody help! I've got a life to do and shit ;__; 

  11. So, I've been thinking about designing some covert Pride T-Shirts. It's still an underdeveloped idea in my head and I'm not sure when and if I'll get around to it, but the big idea behind it is this: Not everyone is comfortable with walking around in an obvious "No Romo"-Shirt, but there are Colours and Symbols (like the arrow for aros or the rainbow for gay/queer), that are usually recognized by people, who know what to look for. Symbols are a powerful thing after all. Specially when it comes to visibility. Maybe we can even coin some new ones =D I wanted to take that opportunity and ask all of you what kind of symbols you associate with your identities. This is not limited to Aros only, but to all gender, sexual and romantic labels you identify with! The more the better. You can even share some personal symbols, are stuff you might think would be cool/fitting.
  12. You can, but every time you learn a new skill you forget something else, because the brains memory space isn't infinite. Soon you'll have no memories of yourself and your life. You just perform your acquired skills like a robot. I wish I could make my days 48h long, instead of 24h whenever I need it.
  13. I'm trying to figure out RedBubble and I'm thinking about designing some easter-egg like pride shirts. Were you work in popular symbols and Colors, but no Font.

  14. I probably won't come out to my parents ever, if I can help it. I thing they will be much happier not knowing. My mother is a decorator by trait since my brother and I moved out and her favorite thing to decorate are weddings. She doesn't care who marries whom at all, she routinely decorates gay weddings (or rather our equivalent to them). As long as they have a wedding ceremony, she's in. She also loves and adores children. She wants to be a grandmother so badly. While I still lived at home, one of her odd jobs was taking care of a little girl while her single mother went to work. I have the fortune of having a brother, who's been in a steady relationship since forever and who'll probably have kids and get married, so he kind off covers her wishes already (though he actually really wants to be an uncle, too...). But I'd still really much like to refrain from having to explain aromanticism to anyone so intrinsically romantic... She doesn't really listen to other weird shit I do or chose for my life so I highly doubt the conversation would be pleasant. She'd probably cry and get angry... Well, I at least put the idea of me ever having baby's out of her head years ago, since I was very vocal about my discomfort of children as long as I can remember. That's enough for me! Funny enough, my former neighbors and friends of the family are way more prying, going from "do you have a boyfriend" to "a girlfriend then!" whenever I visit. I really like the guys, but damn I wish they'd just shut up.
  15. This is such a cool topic! Look at us being individuals =D Here I go: 1) I never dated or got in a relationship because hetero- and amatonormativity never bothered me until I was directly and heavily pressured, so I never felt broken for most of my life (I would get asked out, but I usually declined, because I had no feelings or interest in them). I have been labled "cold", but it didn't bother me 2) What even is a squish? I have intense friendships (two of them, with whom I'd definitely NOT want to share a life), but never in my life did I have a squish 3) Regardless of 2) I still intensely desire a relationship with someone and I can get very jealous of alloromantic's exclusive right to have "someone for themselves" (not in the possessive jealous way, but in the "sharing the burden of life together/there for each other" way). I have deep rooted fears of growing old alone, abandoned by my friends because they moved on to have families and children. It sometimes keeps me up at night... 4) As soon as I found the word "aromantic" to clear up my confusion, I immediately began to use it openly. I had no qualms about it and I never considered being closet. Most people (apart from my family) know about it and I'm very happy with that. 5) No probs with Valentines Day or couples, as long as they aren't being generally rude or obnoxious/really in the way, but that's more a generall people thing 6) I don't mind/actually like physical closeness 7) Not sure if this makes me a bad aro, but I'm currently virtually indistinguishable with an ace, yet I don't identify as one, because the label feels very wrong to me. Which results in me being a very gray and confusing aro allo D:" I kind off put "figuring it out" on hold and I tend to exclude my sexual identity altogether from discussions.. Still, I get mad at people who call me "Ace", because it just sounds so very wrong to me. It also feels like I'd really be a bad example for aces, so I'd rather not xD"
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