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Everything posted by Ugh...

  1. You arrive home, but you discover that while you were away, a stranger took your place, your name, and everyone is convinced that he is you. Your friends now think that you are a mentally ill homeless guy and call the police. I wish I was better at cooking.
  2. From my understanding platonic attraction is basically who you are more platonically comfortable with... or is it about squishes? Either way I'd tend to think that I am heteroplatonic, or maybe panplatonic... I generally feel more comfortable around male friends mostly because they are much more simple and more funny than most of my female friends. I don't know I'm platonically attracted to anyone who can entertain me
  3. I must say you are very unfortunate
  4. One of the flies that touched your skin was the carrier of a new deadly virus... you succumb after contaminating all of your friends. I wish people would stop getting offended that easily.
  5. it rains so much that your house is destroyed because of a landslide. I wish I could live closer to my college.
  6. It gets stolen. I wish movie producers would stop making shitty sequels.
  7. Hi Evy! Most of the literature I have read is French literature, and I can say that romance is highly present when it's not the main inspiration of writers. However, the play En attendant Godot (Waiting for Godot in English) by Samuel Beckett contains no explicit romance and no sexual references. The two main character kinda form an old couple, but nothings indicates that it is romantic.
  8. Haven't you got used to it overtime?
  9. Does This kind of tea contains These ingredients? Do you infuse it at This temperature as well? I need to make some!
  10. wow, you really need to fix that
  11. For whatever sci-fi reason, the earth's orbit around the sun stopped resulting in a global disaster. Good news is: the summer solstice will never end! I wish clients at my job were more reasonable.
  12. I don't know what normal food is supposed to be to you... so I just go with my idea of normal food and from now on everything you eat either has a ton of maple syrup on it or a ton of salt. I wish summer was over already.
  13. yeah, you have a good point on this
  14. actually, we can do what we want with this thread because its only restriction is that whoever is the last comment for 24h wins! So it can turn into any kind of thread
  15. It is, but nobody cares about your birthday. I wish my room would be more clean.
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