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Status Updates posted by Dodgypotato

  1. I feel so out of place and unwelcome on AVEN lately. It used to be my go to place/safe haven, but Arocalypse has definitely taken its place. The community here is so much nicer. :icecream:

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. aussiekirkland


      The spam is real, and here was I thinking I was missing out on an actual conversation haha

    3. Dodgypotato


      You were! This is the most important conversation to ever grace these forums!!!

    4. Zema


      ^ 100% agree with this

  2. If the 1% stat about aces is accurate (and it's not - there's most likely way more), then there are over 3x as many aces than people in Australia. Thanks, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?! And to people who say, "They're only 1% of the population, they don't matter." Yeah, Australia can just go blow itself up and no one would also care, then? THEN WHO WOULD THREATEN YOU WITH DROP BEARS, HUH? :nopapo:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Oh yeah, considering the statistic is probably too low, there must be at least a Germany's worth of asexuals.

    3. Ace of Amethysts
    4. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      They can cover an area the size of Wales @Ace of Amethysts ("Wales" has become a legitimate unit of area btw)


  3. Hello? Is there anyone in the 'I failed a maths course' club that would care to welcome me in? Please? I'm lonely.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. omitef


      Not exactly the same thing, but I've failed an Advanced Placement Physics exam...and it was Physics level 1, too.

    3. aussiekirkland


      I remember starting the next maths course in year 12 and after getting 12.5%, studying really hard and 44% I decided to repeat the previous course haha

    4. omitef


      @aussiekirkland Congratulations! That's a huge improvement.

  4. I'm allergic to cats AND dogs... :'( :sadpapo:


    ... And dust.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zema


      How did you survive at my house then?

    3. Tal Shi'ar
    4. Dodgypotato


      @omitef Then that person would be the epitome of all that is evil in this world!


      @Zemaddog Haha it's not a deadly allergy! My house is filled with cats and dust. ):

  5. I've been working hard on the whole, 'potatoes are the best thing in existence!' Thing while you were away. Pretty sure I've convinced almost everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paporomantic


      Plain potatoes are one of the best thing in existence. Potato chips are one of the worst things ever for diet purposes.


      I'm gonna grab a bag of potatoes on the upcoming grocery trip and boil them with skins on ^_^

    3. Dodgypotato


      Pfffffffft. Diet. Who needs a diet when you have potatoes? (;

    4. Spud


      Sorry I missed this wonderful update.



  6. Lol there was a 'Annoying things that aromantics say' thread posted on AVEN a few hours back, and the aromantics just hijacked it. Amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dodgypotato


      You're really not missing much, just a load of people stirring up dumb arguments, haha... I haven't seen anything interesting on there in quite a while.

      But you know there are ways of getting on there if you're desperate... : P And no, I didn't just say that. 

    3. Ace of Amethysts
    4. aussiekirkland


      I might go help hijack the thread haha

  7. When you pull an all-nighter not to see santa, but because there's a spider blocking your path. D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dodgypotato


      our conversation is much more fun than sleep anyway!

    3. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Yay! You're so fun to talk to!

    4. Dodgypotato
  8. Aussie politics! :yespapo: (old video)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aussiekirkland


      This is so Australian hahaha ?

    3. Dodgypotato


      Oh wow hahahah sorry I've been steadfastly ignoring facebook messenger ok ok i'll download it now before I forget!

    4. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      Honestly I'd rather politicians over here called people that instead of actually acting like a said word. Words hurt sure, but not as much as a capped disability benefit.

  9. "When Bri brings home a boy..." "I wonder what kind of boy Bri'll bring through the door..." "So, how many boys you got chasing you around uni??? ; ) ; )"

    ---___--- staaaaaaahp :stopapo::nopapo::stopapo:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      I get that too. :( :icecream:

    3. aihpen


      Same and I hate it for many reasons -_-


    4. aussiekirkland


      Same @Zemaddog people stopped doing that to me once I came out

  10. I really hate when there's a picture of a man with makeup or whatever, and everyone comments things like "love wins" and "gay people are awesome" and all the other usual stuff. Since when does a man wearing make-up make them gay? What does that have to do with anything? That would mean that pretty much any man on any TV show or theatrical production is gay.  

    1. Zema


      Because people are ignorant and think that a man who is femme must be gay. Funnily enough, while I was browsing the internet I found this and I think it somes up this issue quite well:


      I think the only reason this stereotype exists is because gay men tend to feel more comfortable embracing the feminine aspect of their personality more than straight men. I'm willing to bet that the proportion of feminine men is the same amongst all sexualities.

    2. aihpen


      Same. I was watching Germanys Next Topmodel with a bunch of people earlier this year (because I knew one of the contestants, I wouldn't watch it otherwise. Way too many commercials and I don't think those commercials were targeting aro aces... ) and basically everyone who I watched it with commented on how that one guy in the jury is "totally gay". At some point I asked why they think so and if he mentioned it because I didn't remember that, but all they answered with were comments on the way he acted or spoke etc. :facepalm: Whenever people jump to conclusions about someones orientation I just never want to talk to people again...

    3. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      We've come a long way since "don't turn your back on a p**f because they'll have a go," (I saw that on It Was Alright In The 70s) and even the sitcom Extras from 10 years ago feels like the most close minded and dated thing with cheap predictable jokes saying "aren't gays funny but don't worry; we're aware we're ripping on a marginalised group so these cheap jokes are OK" but we can only move on from this exasperating bollocks when we stop assuming dumb shit. I wear makeup like once every 3 months and I cocking dare you to dissuade me.

  11. "He's a fairy asexual character." -David Tennant talking about Doctor Who. I'LL TAKE IT. I'LL TAKE IT. Even though they've given him a romantic relationship which I think is very odd for the Doctor, I'LL TAKE THAT AT LEAST.

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      Yeah I don't understand the Doctor and Rose's relationship. All of the unnecessary.

    2. Dodecahedron314


      Well, it was awesome and QP-ish with Nine...and then Ten happened. No I'm not still bitter about that at all why in the world would I be bitter about the Best Doctor being replaced with a soggy weasel who just makes things awkward with the closest friend he's had in so long with the result of completely unnecessary shoehorned awkward half-attempts at a departure from their previous dynamic that I'm very much not comfortable with, nope, that's all totally fine by me


      Anyway. Seconded on both vigorously defending any hint of asexuality associated with the Doctor and romantic relationships being Extremely Weird on principle for him.

    3. Dodgypotato


      We got Donna at least with 10! ;~;


      I insist that The Doctor has always been aro-ace except for the 10th and 11th regenerations. Which sucks, but... At least 12th seems aro-ace again..

  12. That's it. I am done with AVEN! xD It is just not a nice place to be anymore! I will live my life on Arocalypse. Papo for life. :byepapo:

    1. owl


      We are pretty great, aren't we :D

    2. aussiekirkland


      Arocalypse ftw! :aropride:

    3. Zema


      I can't say goodbye to AVEN because I never made an account there in the first place! xD:P

    1. Dodgypotato
    2. paporomantic


      It's terrible as a full-time chair, though. I need something much softer and more ergonomic (from 2017 on).

  13. When anything even remotely related to space comes on TV:

    Dad: "Bri!!!! There's something about SPACE on!!!!! Come look, quick!"


    (I study astrophysics)

  14. Mum: "If anyone below the age of 18 says they're gay, I'm not inclined to believe them. You can't know that early."

    Me: "Would you say the same if they say they're heterosexual?"

    Mum: "Yes."


    Riiiight. No, you never question it. If they say they're gay they're attention seeking. Everyone must be straight.

  15. Last year I was ridiculously underconfident towards my exam. This year I am ridiculously overconfident. "Exam is on Monday? 9 lectures to watch in a day? I'm going to smash this!" (no sarcasm). I think someone drugged me. My logic has gone out the window. Send help.

    1. Zema


      Just a heads up: The last calculus question will probably be numerical methods of integration, and the last algebra question will probably be on eigenvectors and eigenvalues. If you have no idea what I'm on about, you've already lost around 20% of your marks right off the bat.

    2. Dodgypotato


      It's alright I know those! Ty :P

  16. Me: puts my legs over mums'

    dad: "you need a boyfriend"

    me: ??????????

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      That makes literally no sense! :(

    2. Ace of Amethysts

      Ace of Amethysts

      Heteronormativity. Go away.

  17. I gave dad my phone to look at a bunch of pics I took at the botanic gardens.. And when I looked over... He was in my browser history, looking at every website I'd been to one by one... Super thankful this website doesn't have 'aromantic' in the title now!

    1. Zae


      True, it'd be bad if it did :3

      Mean of your dad, btw~

  18. First celebrity squish, kill me! It's so much worse when there's no chance of ever talking to them! :stopapo::nopapo::ghostpapo:

    1. Dodgypotato



  19. Australians: Shark vs. broom. xD




    1. aussiekirkland


      The shark won't bother you if you don't bother it, stupid men ?

  20. I enjoyed a lovely dinner today listening to my mother and sister talk shit about NB people. :)

    1. ArodynamicallyFavored


      ugh. Why is everyone experiencing my life? :(

  21. Dad was watching Britain's Got Talent last night when I was doing a jigsaw with mum. And every single time someone older than 50 came on, the first question the judges immediately asked was, "Are you married???" HOW IS THAT RELEVANT??? I don't understand why they kept asking it??? And why only to 50+ people???

  22. Wow, just found a couple of printed out 'comics' consisting of extremely rascist remarks... On the counter of my own house. That's disturbing.

  23. My visit to the repat was lovely. They sucked some of my blood out, and gave me some dandy fine steroid infused shampoo.

  24. Bleeeeh! Bus driver kept calling me sweetheart (when I purchased a ticket and when I left)! And my hair dresser said I have 'nice skin'... I have a genetic skin disease!



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