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Everything posted by Arostar

  1. Life is like waiting at the DMV thinking, "Should I stay or should I go?"
  2. Bone The most deeply ingrained part
  3. I recently listened to this song called, "Better by Myself" by Hey Violet. There are numerous ways I can relate to the lyrics. "Reflection" from Mulan is also another one I enjoy.
  4. My ring finger is slightly longer than my index finger on both hands.
  5. From Earth but specifically in the west coast of United States.
  6. S.A.G.E Test Results: Your Raw Score is: -360, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous Your appearance is Androgynous Your brain processes are mostly that of a Androgynous person. You appear to socialize in a masculine manner. You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity. You indicated your were born Female. ANALYSIS: Female to Male possible Transsexual I had no notes from the test so it wasn't included and mentioned Female because it was referring to sex and I know I'm not born Intersex. It's hard to take this test seriously when it throws in the word, "arousing" at almost everything in a question including whether one wants a beard or dress in different clothes. This is both painful and hilarious to read at the same time.
  7. I get the impression that girls talk more about love/romantic attraction than boys because they are more encouraged do that (or even from traditional gender expectations) and I agree with what NullVector said.
  8. I would prefer cold temperature over hot since it's harder to cool myself down and I like to wear layers or cover up more.
  9. Black, blue, and grey are mostly my favorites. I tend to spell "color" without the u because it's just faster to type up and people will still know what you mean by it.
  10. Code red is too much. But I guess I can ignore it as long as they're not in my way.
  11. I wouldn't want to raise children and I don't think me being on the aromantic spectrum have anything to do with that. Anyone can decide whether they're willing to have kids or not no matter what their sexual and romantic orientations are.
  12. I would feel a bit annoyed about kisses but I'm not sure if I really hate it that much. Cuddling and hugs seem ok depending how emotionally and platonically close I am with someone. I'm usually fine without it.
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