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Everything posted by Cassiopeia

  1. yeah, I guess so. How do I edit it?
  2. I feel like you just described me and my ex. I had something very very similar, with a slight difference. Welll, for one, I'm not ace. And also the scenario was different, as we had her ex in the picture, them being best friends and flatmates. Looking back, I guess he still loved her. I don't know. I can be so oblivious when it comes to romantic feelings. I tend to interpret everything as a platonic gesture cos that is my only frame of reference. So, she was so paranoid that I'd get jealous, but strangely, he did not bother me at all. I was glad she had somebody she trusted, and that she had a good friend. It was so natural, I wasn't even sure if I was the third wheel or him, as far as I was concerned it was a perfectly functional tricycle, though I wasn't dating him or having anything physical with him. But absurdly, I felt guilty that I did not feel possessive or territorial at all. I mean according to my allo friend, I was supposed to hate him or something to prove that I loved my girlfriend. Wut? Uhm, it was a surreal experience. Funny thing, after years, I miss them both.
  3. Well, I mostly questioned if I was straight lol. Cos you know, every lesbian has a straight girl crush, and I did not have one, so I must be faking right? Everyone said strong feelings and sexual attraction supposed to come together as a buy one get two deal. Also the situation was more complicated, as the only thing close to a crush was a platonic squish, but I had that with all sorts of genders. I was so confused. Most of the time there was nothing sexual about it, I just wanted to have deep conversations about the meaning of life, hear their opinions about space travel and extra terrestrial life, wanted to bake brownies with them, or go for a hike in the mountains... I did not really mind that one of these friends was a gay man, in a committed relationship. Or a straight girl. Or you know, my actual (now ex)girlfriend. Quite often, I had several people I had squishes on, but I did not dare to talk about it. Cos you know. It does not supposed to work that way. So yeah, I thought I was proper messed up.
  4. Just I wanted to find some aro people who are around the same age as I, cos I have the feeling that I'm a bit older than most members.
  5. Tiger lilies. My favourite flowers, I used t grow them everywhere. WYR host a house party for your friends or go out with your friends to try a new pub/see a band you do not know?
  6. No shoes at all. WYR see random bits of the future or see random bits of the past?
  7. Gryffindor. 100% Doctor Who chapters: I'm not sure if Patrex or Prydonian???
  8. A bowl of peppers. Sauces tend to taste artificial. WYR swim in a lake or sleep in a tent in the forest?
  9. I think Spock and Jim in Star Trek TOS have some extremely strong aro vibes. I mean they are in a canon QPP. Jim Kirk is pretty much pansexual, and Spock...well he is an alien, with quite different standard behaviours and ways of expressing himself. They are friends in an exceptionally intense way, as Gene defined it, they are each others t'hy'la. That means something along the lines of a "friend/brother/lover" type of relationship in an extraterrestrial alien culture. Anyway, I think it sounds a lot better than zucchini...though I have no idea how to actually pronounce it Also, Katniss from the Hunger Games. Okay, she totally has PTSD-related things as well, but I think she isn't really romantically into any of those two guys. The Doctor from Doctor Who, he/they are soo ace, and mostly aro too, depending on what regeneration. There is quite a bit of more or less canon material that supports the theory.
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