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Did everyone find this site through Aven?


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When I google "asexual" Aven is near the top result whereas when I google, "aromantic" I don't see this website at all. So I ask has anyone found this site any other way besides finding a link to it on Aven? (also when was it started, I'm fairly sure this is a relatively new website) 

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On 02/12/2016 at 0:15 AM, m4rble said:

When I google "asexual" Aven is near the top result whereas when I google, "aromantic" I don't see this website at all. So I ask has anyone found this site any other way besides finding a link to it on Aven? (also when was it started, I'm fairly sure this is a relatively new website) 


I just tried this with the first hit being a cosmetics company.
Following that:

Some aromantic myths.

Urban dictionary
Aro Wiki
The thinking aro (though the URL actually says asexual).
You might be aro if.

Though you have to know the term "aromantic". If you search on something like "uninterested in romance". The only aromantic pages which appear to come up are AVEN and an asexual Reddit forum.

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