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Study Tips???


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I'm not sure if it's helpful since it's not really about focus, but pretty much everytime I learn something I talk to myself afterwads and pretend I'm explaining it to someone else.

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How about the pomodoro timer? It’s a technique where you set a timer for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. Rinse and repeat.

Edited by Nix
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You might be different, but I have trouble studying in silence. However, if I put on music with lyrics, I tend to get distracted by the lyrics, so I like to put on instruments or look up "study beta/binural beats" to play in the background.

Also, if you have trouble getting distracted by apps and social media, there's a lot of apps and addons/extension out there to help with this.

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22 hours ago, Keith said:

I'm not sure if it's helpful since it's not really about focus, but pretty much everytime I learn something I talk to myself afterwads and pretend I'm explaining it to someone else.

Thanks, I tried this and it seemed to help :)

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On 11/16/2023 at 8:29 PM, Keith said:

but pretty much everytime I learn something I talk to myself afterwads and pretend I'm explaining it to someone else.

this is useful.

if you are stuck on a problem of some sort one trick i remember being taught was to explain the probem to a rubber duck. i think the idea was started to help wiith programming but if what you are studying requires following some logical sequence of steps, e.g. mathematics, this can help here as well.

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