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Question: 1 Year Until the End of the World


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With literally nothing coming up on Google search, I'd be really interested if people could offer their thoughts on what you think the world in general would do if an asteroid was coming (which is not happening) and going to destroy the world in 1 year. Furthermore, what do you would do in this situation?


This is completely voluntary and you can offer as much or as little as you want. Here's the context for why I was curious, though I'd prefer you read the spoiler after you answer the question. Thanks! :)



It's a very, very rough idea for a cartoon. A person  runs away from their boring hometown after the earth is predicted to be destroyed in 1 year from a meteor strike, determined to make their mark on the world before it's all gone.


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Hmm, well, generally I think many people will panic once the news get out, others will say it's just a lie from the government because of something and maybe some will do stuff with their religion~

I think they would search for a way to stop the asteroid or a way to evacuate the earth maybe~

 As the year progresses the world might be overrun by chaos, since there are so many paniced people who want to save themselves, it would be terrible~

No idea what I would do :3

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Probably whoever figures it out first, if it's NASA or someone similar, will be instructed to keep it under wraps until someone figures out a way to deal with it. Of course, that would fail and the news would get out, everyone would start absolutely freaking the heck out, maybe there would be enough chaos to topple a government or two? Then from there it's just your regular old post-apocalyptic situation of all the power structures have fallen apart and everyone's going to die type thing. Maybe there would be a rogue band of scientists trying to figure out how to get people safely to Mars before the thing hits, and that's probably where I would be, because after all...

Asteroids__32322.1427320264.800.800.jpg ;)

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That would be terrifying. I would be terrified of the all-out chaos that would happen, but leaving earth would be a whole different set of worries (unless space technology and knowledge advanced a lot before then). I would try to go if efforts to escape were made, I guess, but leaving would be almost as terrifying to me as staying. 


Edit after I read your spoiler (don't read until after you read Danny's spoiler):


Oh, I guess you were thinking about if the world DIDN'T dissolve into absolute chaos. Hmmm... I guess it would depend on what actually was happening. I would probably spend a lot of time goofing off with my friends in an effort to cope, try diving (because it's cool), and join whatever efforts were being made to cope and/or do something about it. And try ALL the fruits I want to try, if they are still around. Star fruit, dragon fruit, ...


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Haha, thanks for all the responses! It's been really helpful to see other's perspectives on this :) 



The plot is that the world did dissolve into chaos (the US government did keep it under wraps, and it did get out, and people did overthrow it so there's basically complete anarchy. There isn't yet the means to evacuate anyone and 3 months in everything's broken down, there's a violent group of masked people doing whatever because they can, nobody cares... but that's where my determined, goofy, in-denial protagonist comes in.


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