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Queerplatonic ships!


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Quite a few people here are saying Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, like, same, but no one is saying the 1984 show of Sherlock Holmes????? Which has very much QPR husband energy between Sherlock and Watson, including the 1954 version, too (which I doubt anyone has probably seen this version, but it's worth a curious watch, though 1984 is the best imo).

I also love shipping Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield into a QPR. And whoever said Sam & Max, you're brilliant.

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Zeb and Kallus on Star Wars: Rebels did something of a enemies-to-lovers arc, except the show never directly stated they were lovers, so I interpret it as queer-platonic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Oh, I forgot to mention Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan from Monsters Inc. I've gone back 'n' forth in headcanoning/shipping them both in a QPR or in a platonic relationship, but the times I have shipped them in a QPR I would also just headcanon Mike being poly because he has a romantic relationship with Celia in the first movie. I know that they're just best friends who live together, because, well, they're best friends who live together, but the first movie itself had some old back-lash thrown at it for two male characters simply living together, even if they do give off 'just-roommates-vibes' and Mike dating Celia throughout the film. The non-normative-ness of their relationship is why I think it's a special one (even if nowadays you can make a story where it's platonic roommates, though shipping may still happen). Their dynamic is one I adore, especially more so with the prequel movie Monsters University, and it's really the only dynamic I can see myself having with a friend, if I wanted to enter such a relationship that is intimate and deep in its own right.

Edited by The Newest Fabled Creature
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The Eternal Rivals Kakashi and Gai are absolutely peek QPR to me. 


Kakashi is the badass ninja who is actually a goofball while Gai is the goofball ninja who will kick your ass

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