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I'm here I'm here, sorry I'm late.


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Hi, I'm a 47 year old cis male that uses he and him. I wasn't really looking for an identity or a flag to wave, but I'm aromantic, grey-ish. I may also be frey- or greysexual. I'm not repulsed by sex or romanticism, just exhausted by them. I'm as happy as a clam with a hetero teammate that has my back while I have hers. I don't have experience with polywhatever, but I'm not certain that monogomy is a priority for me. I live in a suburb of Dallas, TX. My passions are travel and scuba and food and drink and film and also dumb movies and TV shows that have 10 episodes a season and are 1 hour long. I'm an experience hound and I want to find someone that will go on adventures with me and want to talk about them in between. Someone that would rather hear about cheap flights on skyscanner from me than get flowers and moony eyes. I'm allergic to cats, which is OK because I'm totally a dog person. Eh this sounds like a personal ad. I don't know what to type here. Felt excited, might delete later.

Edited by JackShaftoe
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Hello and welcome. It's really cool you found your way to us and I know what you mean with the identity.

On 11/28/2020 at 8:40 PM, JackShaftoe said:

I'm as happy as a clam with a hetero teammate that has my back while I have hers

Same here with my roommate. And I also love dogs. Have some ice cream :aroicecream::).

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