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Am I in the right place?

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My name is paige and I feel uncomfortable admitting to people that I am lithromantic. Probably also asexuals but people say it's a faze, so I dont know about that, but I am lithromantic. I like flirting and develop crushes and fall in love in some cases, but it never lasts. As soon as my feelings are reciprocated, my feelings go away. Everything about them just no longer has me feeling the same. They start messaging me every day and I ignore them. They get touchy and I push them away. I just dont know what to do in regards to relationships anymore. I always feel guilty afterwards cause I break up with them and I feel dirty and manipulative in the end because I know it's going to happen. Should I stay away from romantic relationships then? I just dont know what to do or who to talk to.

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Hi! Being lithromantic can be rough to deal with, but you're definitely in the right place. I'm not lithromantic so I'm not sure I can help with your issues personally but you're definitely in the right place. Welcome.

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How would you feel about forming close relationships with people that don't need to actually be romantic? like being able to flirt, be close and intimate without needing to force yourself to keep those feelings? maybe you can do this with open minded people, if they're aro too that might be even better. always communicate with people your feelings about what you can do to meet both of your needs!

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