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Blue Phoenix Ace

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These forums are very new, I just got them going today. I plan on doing a few things around here to make it more usable. There's a lot of extra controls everywhere, it's kind of a mess right now. Also, I want to choose a color theme that more closely matches the aromantic flag. So, green-ish stuff as opposed to blue stuff. The blue isn't terrible looking, but I think green will look nice.

I also need to create categories and sub-forums. My goal here is not to have 20 different forums that nobody ever visits. It tends to spread the posts out to a point that people might not read them. So, the goal for now is a few forums with wider impact than many many forums with tiny impact. So, I'm asking you, what types of forums would you like to see here? Is a "aromanticism" forum all we need for now or do we need more?

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I know plenty of people tend to appreciate having a sexuality subforum, especially since there's so few forums for sexual aros to discuss their unique experiences concerning the topic.

I remember correctly, there was usually a general aro chat, one for relationships, one for sexuality/gender, and then some miscellaneous stuff like off topic, Open Mic/Artistic Endeavors, just for fun, and some sort of politics one. I think a lot of the sites used AVEN as a model for subforum ideas, but I think a general aro chat and an off topic board would probably encompass most things if you want to keep things minimal.

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A general chat forum (can be sort of like JFF and Off-A on AVEN where all the random and miscellaneous stuff gets posted unless you'd rather make those into a separate forum), an arts forum, and a sexuality forum are a few I can think of off the top of my head.

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8 hours ago, Mezzo Forte said:

I know plenty of people tend to appreciate having a sexuality subforum, especially since there's so few forums for sexual aros to discuss their unique experiences concerning the topic.

I remember correctly, there was usually a general aro chat, one for relationships, one for sexuality/gender, and then some miscellaneous stuff like off topic, Open Mic/Artistic Endeavors, just for fun, and some sort of politics one. I think a lot of the sites used AVEN as a model for subforum ideas, but I think a general aro chat and an off topic board would probably encompass most things if you want to keep things minimal.

This seems like a good idea. A place where people wont have to be afraid of off-putting anyone while bringing up that subject. I know there have been a few aros at "aromantic talk" discussing this. Might be nice with a place where they don't necessarily have to watch their tongue, so to speak. 

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