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What is VoidPunk?

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I have been looking around for definitions of the VoidPunk but could not find many open identifications or a definitive list. 

If you have encountered VoidPunk and have an idea of what that could look like I would like to know but the words define my identity rn and this list is looking to expand. 

Currently VoidPunk could be defined as the following:

  • Identifies as Ace and Aro not on a spectrum but situated in the non-amorous
  • Body mind and soul vortex only manifests when the VoidPunk is seen by other beings but is largely absent otherwise (Void)
  • Identifies as Post-Human or Anti-human
  • Likes machines and the machine aesthetic, including Art by machines, and music with machine sounds.
  • May identify as a cyborg (from the author 'Donna Haraway')
  • Punk aesthetics--strange or unruly hair with green colours or a total absence of colour. Odd tattoos and piercings. Dystopian clothing--ripped or torn, old clothing, hoodies, boots and odd socks.
  • Apolitical largely, or identifies with subsections of Anarchism eg: Anarcho-Queer 
  • Problem with authority (includes parental manifest, teacher manifest and police manifest)
  • Staunch introvert.
  • Largely Emo.
  • Prone to shapeshifting.


That's all I can think of rn. This list will be nurtured and expanded upon! 

P.S if you have met other VP's on this site or have experienced other VP's I would love to chats 


Yrs VoidPunk x

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On 6/14/2019 at 11:59 AM, VoidpunkDreams said:

I have been looking around for definitions of the VoidPunk but could not find many open identifications or a definitive list. 

If you have encountered VoidPunk and have an idea of what that could look like I would like to know but the words define my identity rn and this list is looking to expand. 


It's my understanding that voidpunk as you know it was initially created by Alex @Jot-Aro Kujo on Tumblr in February 2018, starting with this post, although the name itself was proposed here by Tumblr user milkchocolateowl. Alex elaborates on the purpose of the concept in this post:



I mean tbh the entire reason I came up with voidpunk is because I’ve spent so much of my life feeling isolated and like I’m not a real person whiel being bombarded with “This is what it means to be human™!!!1!1!1!!!!!”, that it’s literally less exhausting and self-critical to just go “Yeah, sure, guess I’m not human” than to either try to force myself to conform to amatonormative/neurotypical/etc. ideals, or to constantly try to argue with the society as a whole


...and this post:



It’s, well, punk. Society puts out a lot of messages about What It Means To Be Human™ that can make a lot of people who don’t completely fit the bill feel lost, broken, alone, or like they’re doing something wrong; Voidpunk is about taking that message of “you’re not human”, making it your own, and throwing it back in society’s face. You say I’m not human? Sure, ok. That’s chill. Why does being Human™ have to be a goal to aspire to anyway? What’s so great about humanity?


...and this post:



Overall, voidpunk is a very nebulous concept, and open to being defined and altered to fit what the community or individuals feel. Just don’t do anything dickish with it, guys.


...and see also A Note on Voidpunk and the Aro Community:



Voidpunk is open to anyone who relates to it, by all means, but my personal voidpunk- and the original creation of voidpunk- Is inseparably tied to my allosexual aromanticism.


...and this post:



The bigger voidpunk gets, the more I feel like it gets misunderstood, so I want to clear up a few things:

  1. There is no one “right” or “wrong” way to be voidpunk. There is no voidpunk flag, there is no specific voidpunk aesthetic, there are no rules to voidpunk.



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Yeah, I did indeed create voidpunk as @Coyote said, and uh... I don't mean to be rude, but none of the things in your post are accurate.

That's not to say that none of them could share overlap with voidpunk, of course. If you identify as voidpunk and those things help define you, that's great! I'm glad. But none of that is at all what voidpunk is about. Please don't spread misconceptions, as I've already seen a lot of people wildly misinterpreting what voidpunk is to such a degree that it begins to be harmful to those of us who first formed the voidpunk community. The posts Coyote mentioned ought to help give you a better understanding of what voidpunk actually is.

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5 minutes ago, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

The posts Coyote mentioned ought to help give you a better understanding of what voidpunk actually is.


On that note -- have you considered linking to one of those posts and/or a compilation of links in your sidebar? That's one of the places I checked first, actually. I know there's links within your About, but I mean as its own link/page right there among that and the Ask link.


Relatedly, Tumblr is also known to have terrible SEO/doesn't come up with relevant posts easily for people googling things, so if you were to put up some info on voidpunk on a more SEO-friendly site, it might be easier for people to find the right information via search engines.

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1 minute ago, Coyote said:


On that note -- have you considered linking to one of those posts and/or a compilation of links in your sidebar? That's one of the places I checked first, actually. I know there's links within your About, but I mean as its own link/page right there among that and the Ask link.


Relatedly, Tumblr is also known to have terrible SEO/doesn't come up with relevant posts easily for people googling things, so if you were to put up some info on voidpunk on a more SEO-friendly site, it might be easier for people to find the right information via search engines.


Oh, that's a good idea, I never thought of that. I'll give that a shot, thanks for the suggestion!

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@Coyote Thanks for taking the time to respond to my enquiry. I'm still pretty new here and am not sure what to do o_0  but I posted because the words VoidPunk really appeal to me. I haven't been out all that long and I'm trying to find others like me...I posted this out of respect for the community that made the term so I could connect and find out more. That's really about my intention rn and not much else. 

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On 6/16/2019 at 2:43 PM, Jot-Aro Kujo said:

Yeah, I did indeed create voidpunk as @Coyote said, and uh... I don't mean to be rude, but none of the things in your post are accurate.

That's not to say that none of them could share overlap with voidpunk, of course. If you identify as voidpunk and those things help define you, that's great! I'm glad. But none of that is at all what voidpunk is about. Please don't spread misconceptions, as I've already seen a lot of people wildly misinterpreting what voidpunk is to such a degree that it begins to be harmful to those of us who first formed the voidpunk community. The posts Coyote mentioned ought to help give you a better understanding of what voidpunk actually is.

Thanks so much for your post. I would like to think that I can respectfully add to the identity without you know misinterpreting...I'm still new here so you know um...trying to find my crowd -- ✌️ 

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1 hour ago, VoidpunkDreams said:

Thanks so much for your post. I would like to think that I can respectfully add to the identity without you know misinterpreting...I'm still new here so you know um...trying to find my crowd -- ✌️ 


That's totally fair, but the way you phrased it made it sound like you were defining what voidpunk, as a whole, is, which would be incorrect and could give the wrong impression to people who have never heard of voidpunk before. As I said, if these things are part of your voidpunk experience, great! But they're not universal, so I just prefer that they not be presented as such.

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30 minutes ago, Spacenik86 said:

If aro-aces have voidpunk, maybe aro-allos should have bonobo punk?


I... I am aro-allo, and I literally invented voidpunk. Voidpunk is not just for aroaces, nor just for aros in general. Please don't perpetuate the problem of crediting all of aro culture to aroaces.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/17/2019 at 3:48 PM, Jot-Aro Kujo said:


I... I am aro-allo, and I literally invented voidpunk. Voidpunk is not just for aroaces, nor just for aros in general. Please don't perpetuate the problem of crediting all of aro culture to aroaces.

Also, like, voidpunk shouldnt be something thats gatekept based on label. If Im not mistaken, anyone whose identity has been dehumanised because of some perceived lack can use voidpunk; this includes autistic people, nonbinary people, schiz-spec people, empathy fluctuating people, physical disabilities,  you name it(this includes allo-aros, non-SAM people, and allo-aces I would think). The idea of a punk movement(and punk itself has never been "apolitical") like this isnt some checklist or box you have to fit into, and people are making voldsonas with some current trending aesthetical characteristics, sure, but it's about far more than that. Why would allo-aros be excluded(the only exclusions should be of course Terfs, pedos, bigots, people who wouldnt get it anyway tbh).


Just my thoughts but Joto-Aro-Kujo still has the best articulation of an idea they founded and Im inclined to stick with it.

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