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Riddle me this - Orientations and Karma

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*Note: This question is mainly for those who believe in karma and reincarnation, but others are free to answer as well.


Yesterday, a question came to my mind. Could sexual/romantic/sensual/aesthetic/gender orientations be part of one's karmic lessons that need to be learnt in this current life? What are your thoughts? Please elaborate in as much detail as you can. Thank you.


Also, I don't know if the forum 'Sexuality and Gender' is the right place to put this, but I have given it my best shot.

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I think this question might be better aimed at someone at your local temple, someone who knows karma studies as I am pretty sure questions like this have popped up in relation to things like homosexuality/heterosexuality. 


As for my own thoughts (I picked up most of my knowledge in an unstructured way so I am sure it has holes and conflicts) I guess it should be. There was something I read about people with Downs' Syndrome and things like Angelman's Syndrome being considered being a 'reward' or a closer to enlightenment incarnation because they tend to lead more cheerful lives, as if happiness and joy are made more available to them than it is to other people. So if I have remembered that right, then it would make sense that things that are ...inbuilt? (can't think of a better word) such as orientation would be influenced by karma.

I don't know it is karma or not but there are ideas of past life traumas being carried through to the next reincarnation, and possibly the next after that. It would follow the same idea that the previous existence was hurt in such a way that restructures what the next life is capable of, and as orientation is not a choice it would have to fall into the category of traits attributed to nature. But then that brings up the question of whether people born in countries hostile to their orientation are there because they require a different karmic lesson than those born in liberal tolerant countries? <yeah, for this sort of nitty gritty it might be better to see someone at a temple or university. 

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I read something somewhere that said that people mostly reincarnate as the same gender over and over again, and that gay and trans people are people who incarnated as a different gender than what they are used to.


I wonder if that means that agender people and aros/aces have been mixing it up for so long that they just don't give a damn anymore.


If you want, I can try to find that link again. It was kinda interesting.

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7 hours ago, SoulWolf said:

I wonder if that means that agender people and aros/aces have been mixing it up for so long that they just don't give a damn anymore.

wouldn't mixing it up bring out the bi and pan too? maybe aces/aros have learnt their karmic lessons well and are done with all that stuff ? 

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14 hours ago, Spirit of God said:

Definitely! I'd love to read it. Thanks.

Found it! :)


There's a whole bunch. And yeah, their site's acronym is a bit unfortunate. :rofl:


13 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

wouldn't mixing it up bring out the bi and pan too? maybe aces/aros have learnt their karmic lessons well and are done with all that stuff ? 

Seems plausible. :)

I like to think that we don't have all that romance to distract and confuse us, so we can just focus on real unconditional love instead. Or not. Maybe some people don't need to do that either.

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