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Status Replies posted by Isa1116

  1. My brother said "why do you never wear your gay bracelet?" When talking about my ACE bracelet. Then my other brother said "thats the exact opposite of gay!" Then he pointed at me and said "you emotionless demon!" (I don't really remember the exact words)

    It was probably a joke but it still hurts.

  2. Hi! you can call me Synth or Sorrel. I'm new here. Looking for a community of aros and F I N A L L Y  found one.

    I've got other ppl in my head, so if i drastically change how i type or talk or anything That's Why. Also if i change my name.

    my favorite band is a tie between motion city soundtrack, against me!, or queen (i've had a deep fascination with freddie mercury since i was small and named my car after him lmao).

    my favorite color is green or brown depending on the shade and day.

    i'm in a rough spot right now, so i'm hoping to make friends and just. have people to talk to.

    i knit, trying to learn to quilt.

    i have 12 chickens and i love all of them so so much. (three barred rocks, three cream leghorns, two buff orpingtons, two sliver laced wyandottes, two easter eggers)

    i'm trying to convert to judaism rn, but like Just Beginning.

    my main pronouns are xe/xem/xyr or it/its. if you need an example in a sentence or smthn let me know.

    i'm allo aro and lovequeer and that's as specific as i really get in terms of definitions.

    idk what else to say :p

  3. I had Mac n cheese for lunch 

  4. Currently going trough a gender identity crisis

  5. Currently going trough a gender identity crisis


  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳🎂🍨🎁 Any fun plans?

  8. Update to previous status: bag has been found and I got the job :D

  9. At the air port rn and I can’t find my suitcase at baggage claim, that has all my drawings for a $5,000 gig 😀

  10. Help! My friend just texted me saying my 'crush' knows I like them. I'm still figuring it out but I am like 85% sure it's an aesthetic crush (whatever that's called) Idk what to say back! I'm scared.

  11. Help! My friend just texted me saying my 'crush' knows I like them. I'm still figuring it out but I am like 85% sure it's an aesthetic crush (whatever that's called) Idk what to say back! I'm scared.

  12. Help! My friend just texted me saying my 'crush' knows I like them. I'm still figuring it out but I am like 85% sure it's an aesthetic crush (whatever that's called) Idk what to say back! I'm scared.

  13. yall im gonna be real i totally didnt realize it was aro week i thought the only thing going on this week was Midwinter Break lmfao

  14. happy aro week


  15. how does my brother actually still think i'm str8 like the math ain't mathing.

  16. It's my first aro week ever and I got sick! I'm disappointed in my immune system.... 😑


  18. it’s been a year since i discovered that i’m grayromantic.

    for the longest time, i was confused and frustrated by my ambivalence, apathy, and even repulsion towards romance, and while i had the capacity to like people romantically, it was rare, and it never seemed to reach the level of intensity others experience. i felt alienated from my peers and overplayed or even feigned my attraction to fit in with them, all the while having no real interest in pursuing romantic relationships, no significant romantic attraction to anyone, and never being able to relate to my friends.

    the more i learned about aromanticism, the more things started to make sense. my greyromantic identity was something i discovered long after realizing i wasn’t straight, wasn’t cis, and wasn’t allosexual, so it wasn’t something that scared me. i was just relieved to finally understand why i felt the way i did and to be able to stop waiting around for feelings i didn’t have and stop trying to force attraction that wasn’t natural to me. my greyromanticism had been there all along. it felt like coming home.

    that’s not to say i never worry. it still bothers me sometimes that i don’t relate to my allo peers, and i still fear how my parents will react to the fact i likely won’t get married, but these things were always true, regardless of how i labeled myself. this is who i am, i love who i am, and i wouldn’t change it if i could. being aro is beautiful.

    i’m immune to valentine’s day sadness! i don’t waste time on crushes! i don’t need a romantic parter to feel fulfilled! my favorite color is green! i love being grayromantic and it’s something to be celebrated!!

    this aromantic spectrum awareness week, i’m making myself some aro spectrum pride pins, reading Loveless by Alice Oseman (finally, it’s been on my shelf for months!) and taking the time to learn about other identities and facets of the aro community. i implore you to celebrate in your own way too. Aros all across the spectrum, you are amazing, your aromanticism is amazing, happy aro week!

  19. Happy (almost) aro awareness week! Have good one 💚🤍🩶🖤

  20. Roses are yellow,

    Feels, sometimes blue,

    Your words help so many, 

    What a boss goose. 🌹

  21. A few days ago I made a post in about if anyone had any name recommendations. Answers were good. But what do you guys think of the name Ivory? I heard it is unisex it starts with an I like I wanted and I think it is a biblical name right? If it is I can still have my name connected to my religion. So....thoughs?

  22. OKAY SO I HAD THIS MATH EXAM TODAY AND I THINK IT WENT PRETTY WELL!!! I SHOULD GET 65% AT LEAST 🙏🙏 I should get my results on Tuesday!!!

  23. I'm learning for my math exam rn.... (or at least I'm trying to) I can't fail it. I'll update you tomorrow about how it went 💔Please wish me luck (bc I suck at math)!!

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