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Status Updates posted by Isa1116

  1. A few days ago I made a post in about if anyone had any name recommendations. Answers were good. But what do you guys think of the name Ivory? I heard it is unisex it starts with an I like I wanted and I think it is a biblical name right? If it is I can still have my name connected to my religion. So....thoughs?

    1. hemogoblin


      I love it! Ivory is indeed listed as unisex. I do want to say that I can't find anything about it having biblical connotations, though - just ivory as a noun as in the substance of tusks.

      Here is a list of biblical I names (of which, if you find any you like that feel too gendered to too old/grand, then you might play around with shortening them, like Izehar might become Ize): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_biblical_names_starting_with_I

    2. Isa1116
  2. About a week ago I was texting a classmate that I git the number of recently and I helped him figure out his identity. He now identities as demiromantic pansexual. I'm pretty sure he's asexual since he doesn't like the idea of 'that stuff' at all.

  3. After my sister's party I was told to try on some clothes. I have confirmation coming up and they made me wear a dress and heels. I couldn't walk and the dresses were itchy and I know I'm complaining but there was so much dysphoria in that moment...

  4. Damn.... My brother just called me a fa*got....  And he thinks he supports 🙄

  5. For some reason all my post are not being put in the latest topic thing? Like I made a post in sexuality and gender but it wasn't put in the topics section of my think. I tested if it was only on my topics and replied to something else. Still, nothing moved up to my topic section.... Idk what's happening lol. 🥲

  6. Happy aro week everyone! :) This is my first ever lol.

    1. AroAcedragon15


      this is my first too!!

  7. Happy holidays everyone! :))))

  8. Help! My friend just texted me saying my 'crush' knows I like them. I'm still figuring it out but I am like 85% sure it's an aesthetic crush (whatever that's called) Idk what to say back! I'm scared.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Isa1116


      I just told them I don't like them like that and it seems to be ok :)

    3. hemogoblin


      Glad it seems to have went well!

    4. Isa1116


      Yep but I don't think they wanna be friends.

  9. I am the monster rawr rawr rawr








    I haven't posted in a while. Also, please tell me that someone knows what I'm talking about. I need friends who know what I mean. Please.



    I am the monster rawr rawr rawr

    1. TrueEvergreen



      I am obsessed rn

    2. Isa1116




      Unrelated question:

      Do you love pancakes?

    3. organs and bone

      organs and bone

      rawr rawr 

  10. I didn't have to do my presentation because we didn't have timeee!! Yay lol :)

  11. I feel like I only tell my problems if I think it will fix smth else. The only reason I told my teacher I was having a s*xuality crisis is because it was stopping me from finishing work. I also told my parents I have been feeling sick(which I am) because I just didn't want to go to school. Idk what's wrong with me.

  12. I forgot to say it, but happy aro-spec week! :))))

  13. I had the craziest dream last night 😂. I had one of my most aroace moments in it lol. Someone in it also was a robot that looked like a guy and I am pretty sure used he/they? My point is my brain made a point to add representation. I might make a post about the full thing but I kinda loved that dream lol. :)

  14. I have a presentation tomorrow and I will die. I more concerned about valentines day though lol.

    1. the more the merrier

      the more the merrier

      We wish you all the best for this! Happy Palentine's, Isa! 💚

  15. I have my first day of school tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't have a good class. I really don't want to go lol. :/

    1. CanadianBird


      School sucks fr

      Best of though :)

    2. Isa1116


      I don't have a class I like... I literally have no friends lol.

  16. I haven't finished so many math worksheets but I still got 20/20 on my test that I forgot was today lol.

    1. opal


      Good job!!

  17. I just got a short wolf cut and I look so gender neutral. I love it lol.

  18. I just got back from camping and have wifi again lol, almost missed it 😅😆

  19. I just got back from my prep classes and my teacher and classmate started saying some transphobic things. I was dying. I mentioned aros and aces and tried to explain them. They said demis might be ok but I didn't know what gender dysphoria was until now... 😖

  20. I just tried to do this balance thing that apparently only girl can do and couldn't do it. My brother laughed and said "Ha! You're not a girl!" His insult backfired because it made me feel better lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Isa1116


      Yea but he doesn't know I'm not cis lol

    3. Atypique


      The balance thing said it for you :') I'm sorry now, but whatever you say, for all of your life, you won't be allowed to be a girl. This is a rule, you didn't arrive to the balance thing you're not a girl. Your brother knows that.

    4. Isa1116


      Well even though he doesn't know, I'm still kinda happy he said that. I was born a girl, which is fine but I don't really want to be one ig idrk.

  21. I just wanted to share that rn I am eating garlic bread on a purple plate.

    1. Atypique


      Best way to eat garlic bread 

  22. I think it was last Wednesday when this happened but, my family (not my brother) and I were driving in the car while listening to the radio. I wasn't really focusing on it but I remember hearing something say "We are cross-dressers" and my father immediately changed the channel thing. Idk if it was because it was glitching or smth (I wasn't focused) but it made me kinda sad and disappointed? Idk.

    1. BasicallyEmoPotato


      That's messed up. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

  23. I told a friend I use they/it/any pronouns and they were cool with it! :) 🥳

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AroAcedragon15



    3. SwiftySpeedy



    4. Keith


      THAT'S GREAT!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

  24. I want to tell my friends that think I want a  pronoun change an I will probably just send a picture I made that I can't put here for some reason? It's of an lgballt with my flags and pronouns on it. Idk what the context for sending the pic will be though? 


    1. CanadianBird


      Wishing you luck!

      Uh, definitely just a suggestion but maybe "look at this cool picrew I have! I made myself" Lmao. Or something along the lines

    2. Isa1116


      Ok thx. I will probably say smth like that lol. I will probably tell them in a few days tho :).

  25. I'm getting confirmed at 6 today! I'm kind of scared 😰

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