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Posts posted by Storm_leopardcat

  1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/sexual-orientation
    Can someone add a good paragraph about aromanticism? There is one about asexuality, which mentions aromanticism, but no actual, stand-alone paragraph about aromanticism.

    Asexuality is characterized by an enduring lack of sexual interest or attraction. Asexual people (often called “aces”) may or may not additionally be aromantic—that is, lacking interest in romantic relationships; it is also possible to be aromantic in combination with another sexual orientation. Many asexual people enjoy being in romantic relationships, and some engage in sexual activities but without desire. Aces may or may not experience arousal or orgasm or engage in masturbation. The term graysexual is sometimes used to describe someone who rarely experiences sexual attraction or who has sexual feelings but little sexual desire. Demisexual refers to people for whom sexual attraction is only possible in the context of emotional or romantic attraction.

    Also, sexual orientation is defined as this: sexual orientation, the enduring pattern of an individual’s emotional, sexual, and/or romantic attraction. In science, sexual orientation is often divided into the three components of attraction, behaviour, and self-identification. 

    Isn't romantic orientation a separate thing?

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, MulticulturalFarmer said:

    Oh, and I lost a lot of my religious friends after coming out as non-religious and intersex. Granted I was younger and a bit "in your face" about the non-religious thing, but the intersex thing was definitely a factor too.

    That is dumb. Why would anyone stop being friends with a person just because they were born intersex? Bruh?! 

    That is an excellent level of ignorance. I am dumbfounded. Sheesh!

    I am sorry you have had to deal with this, Multicultural Farmer. I hope you get to make good friends and acquaintances soon, to make up for the ones you lost and do not have, and to deal with your loneliness. You will get to make friends here, soon, do not forget you are among those who are like you!

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, sevan said:

    omniaspec is referring to the spectrum [gray demi spike flux etc] while panaspec means one is strictly unattractional for every type of attraction

    So no difference between pan-aspec, and anattractional? 

    Doesn't the pan in pan-aspec suggest it has something to do with attraction to all genders?

  4. 13 hours ago, Julem said:


    You sound just like me. I am 20 yo girl. I have many queer friend but none of them are aro/ace and I often feel myself lonely. I also have many hobbies (baking, video games, reading, knitting, drawing....) 

    I've been trying to find new friends online but it's been hard. 

    Hello there, and welcome, Jugen!

  5. 2 hours ago, sevan said:

    dont think theres a difference between panaspec and unattractional but heres the omniaspec wiki page which also has other helpful hyperlinks so you can learn more abt the aspec identities

    Alright, I see. Helpful. So it is referring to the spectrum of orientations/attrations, rather than only the outright lack of those attractions?

  6. 5 hours ago, sevan said:

    i hope i can experience attraction someday and go back to being omniaspec lol

    What is omniaspec, and what is the difference between it and anattractional?

  7. 7 hours ago, night_sky_white_clouds said:

    I too feel like it. I'm sex and romance-repulsed. You can probably guess what kind of reactions I get regarding romance and sex. Sometimes I feel bad for it, they are not something to feel nauseous about, but I do, most of the times. My thoughts are also similar to my reactions. But if you ask my opinion on romance, I would say, "it is what it is. It exists for a reason, and I just am not familiar with it." A neutral or a positively inclined response. I still have some clarity.

    It doesn't change the facts. I'm born this way. Me being this way doesn't mean anything. As long as I have some clarity, my reactions, fears etc don't matter. I don't have to feel guilty for what I'm, not when there are so many people like me and especially when everyone is "evil" in that sense. 

    It's good you let your guilt out through crying, but you can't just get stuck there for your lifetime, right? Understand yourself, empathize with yourself, it's the only way to make peace. And the thing about sex without love, it's not like both are bound to be in pair all the time, that's not a Universal law (what about animals?), it's our brain that thinks it is right that way, so when we have something against that idea, our brain automatically states "something is out of order here". We just have to edit the idea, it takes time but it's probably worth the result we get.

    I like this response. It has a several excellent points, and I appreciated that. Thank you for saying this, @night_sky_white_clouds!

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, MaxIsCosmic said:

    So I have this friend who I cuddle with a lot and sometimes we kiss and he pins me down and kisses me. I enjoy when he kisses me and but I don’t want to have sex even though it sounds like a sexual thing and I don’t feel like we do this in a sexual  way (I identify as asexual). when he dose it I feel flustered like I blush and such but it doesn’t feel romantic (I’ve talked about this with him and he agrees it doesn’t feel romantic or sexual) I’m really confused is there a word for this kind of attraction or am I mistaking it for something? 

    Perhaps sensual?

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/27/2022 at 4:23 AM, flowingleaves said:

    hi! good to meet you too! my fave books have probably gotta be either the magnus chase ones or the kane chronicles! obviously percy jackson is a classic but theres something special about those ones, kane chronicles in particular. the premise for them is just so interesting! im not really sure what character would be my favourite? sadies cool, so is magnus himself but im not totally sure. what about you?


    yup, looks like you got there a little too late! za to, zawsze milo spotkac innych polakow, wiec sie nie martw! ulubiona opowiesc junji ito?

    Ah, perhaps Alex Fierro! Not sure if I have a faovurite book. I liked Kane Chronicles. Still believe Samirah Al-Abbas's character should have been done better. 

    I am a Muslim, and hijabi, myself.

    Cool choices, by the way!

    • Like 1
  10. 20 hours ago, Nix said:

    Oh yeah I hate that too. Why is it so important that you can see which ones a boy and which ones a girl? I can’t always tell in real life and I don’t need to because someone else’s gender is none of my business.

    It reminds me of this post:


    At least Slack Wyrm did it well, both the male and female dragon are just that, dragons :)


    Site: https://joshuawright.net/index.html

    Hold up, I cannot tell which one is male and which one is female. I'm not kidding, I actually can't tell.

    20 hours ago, Nix said:

    It reminds me of this post:


    Yes, that is quite annnoying!

    • Like 2
  11. 12 hours ago, Cloud said:

    About this, I reaaally would like to have one but I don't know any aro people irl :( I know I could have one with someone who's not aro but I don't want to engage in a platonic relationship with someone that later on will not be down for it. I have a really strong platonic attraction towards people I'm interested in so I don't want this happening again

    But one of the main reasons of starting on this forum is to know more aro people. I also want to meet aro people irl but since I'm more of an introvert I'm doing this slowly lol. However, do you know meeting sites for aro people? I am really interested in those👀


    Try checking out the Personal Ads section, and make a post there?
    Also, you may want to check out the Visibility, Articles, and Meetups section. Or check out acesandaros.org, for those people who may be nearby.
    For QPRs, try making a post in r/qprapplications as well.

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    • Thanks 1
  12. 14 hours ago, The Gray Warlock said:

    Well, there's really not a lot to it. It was late winter in 97. My mom was at her due date, and had a few false alarms. My step-father was on the road for his job, my youngest brother and sister were at grandma's I think, my oldest brother idk probably getting in trouble someplace. So it was just me and mom that night. We made a pot of spaghetti for supper. I made my plate and was leaning on the counter. Mom made hers and went to sit down. Before she even touched the seat she said "That felt weird!" I asked what is it, she said "my water just broke." How I didn't go into panic mode I don't know. Because I thought I was going to have to drive her to the hospital and I was very inexperienced with driving. In fact the last time I drove a car I steered it straight into a ditch. But no, she got in the truck and drove herself there and I rode along. It's a small town. The hospital is like a 5 minute drive away. Anyway we pull into the ER and ring the bell. As the nurses came up my mom said "It's for real this time!" and they took her away. I was led to the waiting room where I watched TV. A couple hours later my step father came in and took me home. The next morning I had a baby brother.

    Well, that was a (rollercoaster) ride to read abut! Interesting, who named your brother?
    Do your family members know about you being on the aromantic-spec, and any other GRSM categories that apply to you?

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