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Everything posted by Atypique

  1. I'm offended you didn't inform yourself before talking
  2. I'm offended you blame me whereas we never see Morgoth in the prequel
  3. I don't understand the whole idea of the "don't have sex without marriage, and never feel sexual attraction cause sex is just here for procreation" but if you don't wanna have sex then it's unholy ???
  4. I'm offended I didn't realize it was Morgoth whereas I just finished the prequel
  5. My first ring was a white one for the aroness, but I added loads of others in a few months and no one knew what was going on. When I think about it, no one ever noticed the fact that I had a black and white ring for aroace anyway. I also have queer, non binary and aro flag on my bag. No one talks to me about it, but I've had one person asking what the 2 flags were, and another person thought that the green standed for ecology... My family still thinks that my bracelets (again, flag colors) were just colors that I liked. I have an aro/non binary lock screen but most people don't notice it since I always open my phone with the finger print
  6. I'm offended that you don't know the person on their profile picture
  7. Deux mille trois cent quarante neuf
  8. I think it does have a big impact since it can make relationships difficult, and sex is at least as much everywhere in society as romantic love. The two are probably not comparable 😅
  9. 590 Staff members have totally forgotten about us
  10. Atypique


    If you're comfortable with directly talking to them about it, you can tell them that it is important to you, and that their acts are really making you feel bad, and what they could do better
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