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Everything posted by Zema

  1. Counting to one million 101
  2. Zema

    Word Association

    Pingu (noot noot)
  3. Zema

    would you rather

    Desert country, I can't stand the cold. WYR only be able to eat, or only be able to drink?
  4. Banned for referencing Nazis.
  5. The still has a white background, not a transparent one. It's not really that big a deal though since you can only notice it when you use it on chat (which is where i took that screenshot). EDIT: Now that that is fixed, i have no more criticisms of the new emoticons.
  6. I know that arcade isn't supposed to count towards post count; but shouldn't the normal off-topic count towards it? Am I the only one to have noticed this, or am I the only one affect by it?
  7. Zema

    would you rather

    Doom. The new one actually looks pretty fun, and well, I've already played a couple of CoDs and they were pretty average. WYR have your left and right hands swapped, or your left and right feet swapped?
  8. I seriously think we doubled the number of aussies on this site in the past two nights.

    1. RedNeko


      I was thinking that too

    2. Dodgypotato


      We're taking over!

    3. brsajo



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