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Everything posted by Bumble_Bee_

  1. n o A million dollars but your fingers turn to paintbrushes
  2. Sounds good Also I'll take the money and filter my tears into drinking water so that I can have near unlimited drinking water A million dollars but you can only spend it at a store you absolutely hate
  3. I'm also offended because I have no idea what crow meant
  4. @Jackson_Glass to be s p e c i f i c I am three months and o n e day older than you
  5. I need help coming out as aroflux and asexual I have no idea how to come out Help Please
  6. I'm learning there's a lot more teens than I thought- Also @A User on your profile it says your bday is sept ten so if you're born in '07 then I'm nine days older than you
  7. Hi! I know I've been here for like three months already but I never formally introduced myself- I'm Bee, I'm fourteen, and I somewhat recently found out I'm pan-aroflux and I used to think I was a "late-bloomer" to love or that I was "broken" but now that I think I figured my aro-spec orientation out I'm very happy! Now I'm in a qpr with an a w e s o m e guy and I'm super happy! Coming out as aroflux and ace has been one of the biggest struggles I've had so far in my life and I really need assistance coming out; I need tips or ways to come out if anyone can help
  8. I'm offended because you're offended for an unreasonable reason
  9. I hate high school already and I'm only a freshman

  10. -insert Bee wanting to punch somebody- lol /hj ok so if they don't respect your boundaries then r e m o v e them from your life. Just like befriend their enemy lol
  11. Awesome! Also btw if thats Ph1lzA in your pfp thingy I love it
  12. I made a one piece painting

    It's currently a WIP


    1. A User

      A User

      ooooh very cool!

      i bet the finished version's gona look even better!

  13. I'm so totally gonna play pranks on the people in my neighborhood on valentines day
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