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Alaska Native Manitou

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Everything posted by Alaska Native Manitou

  1. AndrewFinlayson aka CommunityModerator OlympianProduct | AmericanProduct | CommunityModerator2 The_Right-Minded_Knight | CommunityModerator3
  2. Why don't we see the Easter Bunny the rest of the year? She's at her home on Easter Island. 🗿
  3. If Abraham Lincoln hadn't been assassinated when he was, he would have deported all black people from the United States.
  4. Ferdinand Magellan was killed by his own religious fanaticism. He landed on the island of Mactan & decided to convert the Native People to Christianity - but they weren't interested. He became furious & attacked them in spite of being seriously outnumbered. Whatever miracle he thought his God would provide was no match for the power of the Spirits that day.
  5. Just to clarify: 1 staff member sided with the member who thought it was OK to brag about being fascist on AVEN. I believe that the rest were as disgusted as I was. The Board of Directors can remove a troublemaker from the staff if necessary. Any AVEN member is free to run for a moderator position & help dilute one person's influence; we need more than we have anyway. Part of the reason AVEN exists is to educate non-asexuals; so it has an inclusion policy. Personally, I wish it was more of a safe space, but it is what it is. Also, the membership includes gray/demi sexuals, people who formerly thought that they were asexual, & relationship partners.
  6. I made my AVEN account about 2-1/2 years ago, & it was terrible then. Some members got away with being toxic, even racist, supported by certain staff members. I got warnings against me for being an uppity minority who dared to speak up about it. Finally, some people from the Board of Directors gave up the hands-off policy they once had, & said that the site needed changes before everybody abandons it. Certain staff members with guilty consciences resigned after that, & bans or other restrictions have been issued to AVEN members who seemed to be here just to cause trouble. How much has AVEN changed? Well, I am no longer someone who gets unearned warnings from moderators; I am a mod now. And I'm not planning to let bigots, fascists or trolls get away with much under my watch.
  7. Leprechauns are known for hoarding gold, but what are they saving up for? Money is useless if you're not going to spend or at least invest it. Or did they invent the hobby of coin collecting?
  8. When AI art becomes exploitative and unethical
  9. Katie Perry stole the song title from Jill Sobule. And Sobule's version was better.
  10. Lupercalia was sexual, but not romantic.
  11. https://slate.com/technology/2023/02/wikipedia-native-american-history-settler-colonialism.html
  12. Dr. Laurence J. Peter described Socrates as: "A competent teacher who reached his level of incompetence when he became his own defense attorney."
  13. A teacher snatched a passed note out of a pupil's hand, then read the note out loud as a humiliating punishment--only to realize too late that a student had discovered her affair with the principal.
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