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Posts posted by roboticanary

  1. 46 minutes ago, DeltaAro said:

    I could redesign the header, if this is ok. This dark grey font on dark green is barely visible.

    Regarding the rest, I don't know Invision but I guess they provide an interface and you don't need to seriously edit the bare CSS itself

    On point one, that would be fantastic. I should be able to work out how to have different headers for the modes quite easily.

    As for point 2. This is correct. They do have a decent interface where you can choose colours for each type of item (texts, backgrounds, etc) the limiting factor is my artistic skill rather than tech skill unfortunately. But what people could do is point to a particular piece of text/ background on a screenshot and say, e.g. that text is too dark, that background is too light, that might be better green etc and I can make those changes.

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  2. 18 hours ago, sevan said:

    id say change the option of your status update from hide to delete. because i really dont understand the difference between hiding your status and deleting it. hiding it just makes me think it isnt permanently deleted unlike on aven which is why i really want this change

    hide means admin and mods can still see the content, i think the justification is that if someone posts something  against TOS, they cant delete and call fake if someone screenshots. it is very easy for a mod to see what was said. for a forum with only a small number of mods who wont always be around it could be helpful. 

    i could change it if people are unhappy with that, or at least i will update the site guide to make it clear what the difference is.


    19 hours ago, struggler_ said:

    A better looking dark mode? I physically cant use light mode, and the design of dark mode looks pretty bad and quickly thrown together like it was a very last second thought.

    this is a more difficult problem. i'm no good at artistic design but could make some changes. is there any part of the dark theme you really dont like and i can try to see if some simple colour choices improve it a bit.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Storm_leopardcat said:

    Also how is chicken tikka masala related to traditional Scottish food ;-;


    i have no idea if it is true but there is an urban legend that it was invented by a pakistani chef in glasgow.


    also, yum


    chips in curry sauce



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  4. 7 hours ago, Storm_leopardcat said:

    What does a spoon have to do with a disablity?

    i think its this idea which has been going round online for a while. talking about the effect of an illness in terms of having an amount of spoons that you need to give in order to do tasks. it seems to be quite useful for a lot of people to explain how, e.g. chronic illness, affects them.








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  5. 7 hours ago, Storm_leopardcat said:

    i asked earlier who the mods of the subreddit, that got even less of a response. I wanted to message the mods directly instead, before. I didn’t see any mods listed in the sidebar, so I had to make a post. 


    thats weird. i can see a list of mods in the sidebar. just checked and under related subreddits there is a space listing the mods, with a button to message them. it hides if you dont have a reddit account but i assume that shouldnt be a problem.

    i suspect what happened is you had an individual post open, which replaces the normal sidebar with a similar to this post list. close that and you should be able to see it.

  6. what do people here think about romantc music. i suppose i am a bit of a grouch about the whole 'not another love song, dont we have enough' thing but there are some i can appreciate.

    are you ok with it, find it uncomfortable, how do you feel about it.

    are there any romantic songs you find ok to listen to? perhaps beautiful in their own way, or maybe silly enough to be ok with?


    ok, admittedly this is largely an excuse to post the hippopotamus song because i find it very funny. (and acceptable to me because it is about the least romantic love song i can think of)


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    • Haha 2
  7. ok, i can pass the uselessness on to someone else, i like it

    next person wins a pill that lets you sleep like a baby.

    this sounds great if you have never been around a baby or seen how terrible their sleep cycle is.

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