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Status Updates posted by aussiekirkland

  1. Getting a massage from the person you're sensually attracted to is bomb ??

    1. Louis On Air

      Louis On Air

      "Big Time Sensuality"

      i can sense it 
      something important
      is about to happen 
      it's coming up

      it takes courage to enjoy it
      the hardcore and the gentle
      big time sensuality

      we just met 
      and i know i'm a bit too intimate
      but something huge is coming up
      and we're both included

      it takes courage to enjoy it
      the hardcore and the gentle
      big time sensuality

      i don't know my future after this weekend
      and i don't want to

      it takes courage to enjoy it
      the hardcore and the gentle
      big time sensuality
    2. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      I would love that

    3. aussiekirkland


      Yeah I loved it. It's too bad that she has to be drunk to want any sort of intimacy. I've actually been meaning to ask her about it because I'm not entirely sure what her boundaries are

  2. Guys I just made the best comeback to a plant joke I need validation http://aussiekirkland.tumblr.com/post/152930153534/aussiekirkland-lord-skeletor-heres-a-photo-of

    1. brsajo


      When did you have that photo taken?

    2. Philbo Wiseroot
    3. aussiekirkland


      It was back in year 11 as part of my wearable art project

  3. My sister got me the entire series of Glee for my birthday! I can't wait to gay out to the 30 year old high schoolers

    1. Mezzo Forte

      Mezzo Forte

      Fun fun :) I watched some of the series in high school, but mostly to spend time with my sis, so I only remember bits and pieces. Happy birthday!

    2. paporomantic


      Happy belated birthday! :softserve::cake:


      30-y.o. highschoolers sound like fun. Education is fun in general. I wish I were always paid a scholarship and never had to deal with the 'graduate adult' world.

  4. Does anyone here have the LGBT+ amino app? It kind of exploded today after Ashley Mardell made a sponsored video with them. Anyway it's a really cool app and it's really aro/ace friendly (no discourse!!!). They even have aro/ace chats.

    1. RedNeko


      I've never heard of it. Is it a chatroom app or something?

    2. aussiekirkland


      Mostly. It has a lot of different functions but my personal favourite is the many themed chat rooms

  5. Hi, it's Aussie from AVEN! Thanks for the rec, this place looks pretty cool :)

    1. Dodgypotato


      Woo, welcome to the icecream mania! :icecream: : P

  6. Hi guys, I'd love it if you could please vote on what I should wear to pride tomorrow https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BQF3SZ6

  7. I was just chatting to a friend I haven't seen in a while cause my other friend said she was mad at me for not texting her first (off to a great start, totally not petty) and she had already warned me that this friend was having a hard time. It took her like half an hour to respond to each text, each one mentioning how much things suck for her right now. I hate to say it but I'm not looking forward to seeing her Monday night. I've been kind of down lately myself so I don't need that sort of shit right now.

  8. Probably the least aromantic thing about me is just how much I enjoy flirting with my best friend and how much I love it when she flirts back.


    (Well it's not romantic flirting so yeah)

  9. I need to have a talk with my squish before she leaves for her 3 week long trip on Wednesday and I'm getting nervous

  10. Just thought I'd let you guys know that I'm hosting the Carnival of Aces this month! http://aussiekirkland.tumblr.com/post/152591593219/carnival-of-aces-november-2016-relationship It's on relationship anarchy because I really enjoyed learning about it from you guys

  11. Knowing my luck, the one contest I win is a play pass for Zelda Breath of the Wild at EB EXPO, which is located on the other side of the country and doesn't include flights or accomodation. I can't believe I have to turn down the prize of a lifetime. I'm heartbroken.

  12. That feel when sending emails gives you mild anxiety and you have three important emails to send.

  13. People on tumblr keep on messaging me asking if I like mainstream things like Miraculous Ladybug, Hamilton and Steven Universe. Like if I'm not reblogging it the answer is probably no :P

  14. Watching the aftermath of shit blowing up while I was asleep...

  15. Laughing at Smosh's new video "Every Girlfriend Ever" because thank god my life isn't like that haha

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