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Posts posted by DogObsessedLi

  1. 5 hours ago, Erederyn said:

    I was thinking, maybe we could discuss other forms of attraction (non-romantic, non-sexual) as a topic for April? Inspired by the TAAAP discussion on platonic attraction for their pride chats this month. 

    Sounds like a good idea. I heard back from the other person so if it's ok we'll try 11am (UK time). If I say the weekend of the 10th/11th April would that work for the usual bunch and anyone else?

  2. On 2/16/2021 at 5:28 PM, Erederyn said:

    Was nice to meet again! For the next meeting, I was thinking we could perhaps discuss either aro activisim and community involvement/building or alloaro inclusivity/representation (for example, read something from Bones of Green and Hearts of Gold and/or some of AUREA's articles) or we can share and discuss our favorite works from AroWriMo and ASAW. 

    Any of these sound good? 

    I also think these are all good ideas. So maybe we go for aro activism for March's meeting and use the others for April or May etc?


    I was thinking of the weekend of Saturday 6th / Sunday 7th? Before I say the usual time of 7PM (UK time) on the Sunday is anyone quietly screaming, "not that time again, I can't do it!". At the moment the whole weekend is free so I'll leave it at that for now and schedule the exact time in a few days or so. Let me know, otherwise I'll stick to the same old time :-).

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  3. A nice chat this evening :-). For those who are not able to make this time on a Sunday evening (I find it easier to organise in UK time but google tends to be quite helpful for time zone variations), are there any better times/days for you? I can't personally promise anything, but of course that doesn't prevent anyone else organising a different time without me if my UK-time limitations are difficult. I know many people aren't keen on such a responsibility, but it really isn't much to organise to be honest if it's something you are interested in doing?

    From my perspective, I'm planning on organising the next in February, probably in a month's time or so, at the same time on a Sunday evening. Though I am happy to do other evenings especially at the moment that I'm more flexible (the one silverlining to the pandemic). I was also considering next month's topic to be related to Aromantic Awareness Week and chat about awareness, media and such like. Maybe Sunday 14th February, 7PM (UK time) to tie in with Aro Awareness? It'll be the same link.

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  4. Romantic attraction is all about belonging and being completed by the person. The desire for them to be "all that you need" and be "all that they need". Wanting to have sex with them is sexual attraction. It certainly doesn't help matters when alloros-allosex mix the two though, so much heartache for me over the years has stemmed from that conflation by average society.

  5. On 12/15/2020 at 1:52 PM, DogObsessedLianne said:

    Just to let you know that I'm considering Sunday 10th January for the next meet, same time (7PM UK time), same link meet.google.com/qum-mmnd-xkw

    Would anyone like to suggest a topic for the meet - anything you would particularly like to discuss?

    @Erederynhas sent me a Google Doc with ideas, so in theory I should be able to share it with those who attended on Sunday, as soon as I've worked out how to do it that is. It'll also be a good backup for if this forum goes down again. But I just wanted to give you the date and time now just in case!

    Here. And I aim for once a month but I can't commit to a set week or day of the month. Though it'll be roughly every 3 - 5 or so ISH weeks or there's abouts, at the moment Sunday evenings UK time (though that can be rearranged as a group as long as it isn't early hours (UK).


    I have checked the link to make sure it's still active (I had a problem recently with another Meet link I used), so it should be good to go tomorrow. It seems like the trick is for me to switch it on regularly to keep the link active!

  6. 1 hour ago, Elin W said:

    Looking forward to tomorrow :) This is maybe a silly question but do I need an app to use google meet? Is there a link, or how does it work? This year has meant a lot of video meetings but this app is still new to me x) 

    Google Meet should work on your regular internet browser using the link provided. I know that the Google Mail app has a "join Meet" section also. I just use the regular browser though.


    See you tomorrow :-)

  7. I was wondering whether people wanted to discuss "aro relationships" as the topic for the next meet? Unless anyone would like to suggest anything else. I was looking at the shared Google Doc and thought that the whole topic regarding relationships might be a good discussion.


    • Relationships

      • Types of “aro” relationships

      • Intersection with relationship anarchy

      • Sexuality while aro (do people feel there is a connection between their aromanticism and sexuality, not all aros are ace -> how does this affect their sexuality (behavior/orientation)...)


    What do people think?

    Has everyone been able to access the Doc and been able to contribute if they wanted to? In other words, is it working properly?


    Have a lovely Xmas / Yule / Season and see you in January :-)

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  8. Just to let you know that I'm considering Sunday 10th January for the next meet, same time (7PM UK time), same link meet.google.com/qum-mmnd-xkw

    Would anyone like to suggest a topic for the meet - anything you would particularly like to discuss?

    @Erederynhas sent me a Google Doc with ideas, so in theory I should be able to share it with those who attended on Sunday, as soon as I've worked out how to do it that is. It'll also be a good backup for if this forum goes down again. But I just wanted to give you the date and time now just in case!

    • Like 3
  9. Right,

    I was thinking Sunday 13th December, 7PM (UK time)


    Topic: Interests, Identifications and What Aromantism Means To You

    Questions to consider: What are you passionate about in life? What are your hobbies and interests? Tell us an interesting fact about yourself? How do you identify as? What does aromantism mean to you?

    These questions are for the virtual meet, there's no pressure to answer these questions exactly, but hopefully you get the general gist of the meet's topic. It might also be good to have a few minutes of feedback at the end to shape the following meet which'll be sometime in January.

    See you then! I'll try and remind you nearer the time.

    • Like 4
  10. OK, I might suggest a Saturday, maybe late afternoon UK time (possibly around 4pm), either that or a Saturday evening UK time (7 or 8pm for example). I'll double check calenders and get back with a more precise date.

    I agree with the introduction idea. Actually, any type of ice breaker to begin a meet is probably good. I personally haven't come across the podcast mentioned, but I'll see if I can look into it.

    We could also have meets where someone has suggested a book that they have enjoyed (ideally non-romantic!) and we can give people a month's notice and it can be the discussion theme for a set meet. If it has a subject related to the book, this could also be discussed just to make it accessible for those who haven't managed to read the book. I've noticed that there's a book related thread here (

    ), and there might be other related threads. But I suggest the first meet to be more informal and relaxed, maybe based on the introduction theme and let the conversation develop.


    • Like 2
  11. 6 hours ago, Scoop said:

    This is a cool idea! Especially the bit about pre-agreed upon topics. I'd love to talk about aro books with other aros! The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project (TAAAP) is currently doing something similar with their Pride Chats - a bit more formally though I think. What you have in mind sounds chill. They'd probably be good people to get in contact with if you have any questions about arranging this kind of thing. 

    OK, I'll look into that probably later this week.

    Maybe we can organise a day and time for December, and I'll contact TAAAP. If anyone has any suggestions for topics to focus on please mention them here. I've got a couple of busy days this week, but then I'll have a serious think about organising a date and time probably at the end of this week or so. Until then, any suggestions for topics, and availabilities including country/timezones. ?

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